商報論壇: 北望神州 分配改革堵塞「隱性收入」 : 叢詳
爭論揭發「 隱性收入」
東方日報 2010-11-13 A31
太陽報 2010-11-12 A42兩岸
東方日報 2010-11-13 A31
太陽報 2010-11-12 A42兩岸
兩岸要聞 A24 1 . 蘋果日報
6歲愛滋孤兒獨抗絕症 拒同住學校拒收只剩黑狗相伴
明報 2010-11-07 星期人物
6 歲愛滋孤兒沒人養頑強求存
廣西柳州市6 歲的愛滋孤兒阿龍,父母親去世後,就獨自生活在深山小村內,一個人洗衣煮飯,一個人餵雞養狗,一個人讀書認字……雖然獨自快樂獨自悲傷,但他仍堅強地活下去。
阿龍生活在柳州市馬鹿山腳的牛車坪村,他住半山腰的3 間平房內,房內甚至連窗戶都沒有。其中一間獨立小屋是阿龍的臥室。另外兩間相連的平房,因父親在此去世,如今再無人靠近。小屋前的一片空地,是阿龍平時活動的場所。他最常做的事,就是抱那條叫「老黑」的狗,望通往外界的那條路發呆。
自從父親去年7 月過世後,阿龍就未再下過山。知情者稱,阿龍的母親和父親在去年先後去世,最終證實兩人患的是愛滋病。本來有人想收養阿龍,但因阿龍也被證實是愛滋病帶菌者,好心人退卻了,村民也害怕了。
彷彿就在一夜之間,阿龍長大了許多。儘管接連遭遇家庭變故,阿龍卻未掉過眼淚。年僅6 歲的他,學會了煮飯洗衣,學會了看時間做事,學會了自讀自寫,學會了獨自活下去。當地村委會人員表示,阿龍的情令人擔心,但是村委能做的,只能是確保他衣食無憂, 「沒有吃的穿的,我們可以買,但在醫療、教育、撫養等方面,我們能做的並不多。」
E06 1 . 蘋果日報
美國中期選舉,共和黨大勝,重奪眾議院控制權,俄亥俄州眾議員John A. Boehner代替來自加州三藩市眾議員佩蘿茜做眾議院議長(Speaker)。呢位貝納先生係一位脫貧成功經典例子,佢有一位哥哥,十位弟妹,一家十四口住在一間兩睡房細屋,爸爸經營一間小鎮小酒吧,佢自學曉站立,行路開始,就幫爸爸在酒吧抹地、洗廁所、洗碗碟、企,長大後成為全家第一人考入大學(Xavier University),靠半工讀支持學業,佢經常講:"I loved every job that I had, at least until I get the next one."(我鍾意每一份工,直至搵到第二份為止),絕不會做一份怨一份,騎牛搵馬之時,絕不偷懶。時下不少人打工,做份怨份,做冇乜心機,應該向貝納學習。
貝納今年競選時,到處講一個玩弄文字笑話,每次都引起哄堂大笑,選民受落。佢講:「昔日列根總統時候,我地有Bob Hope(卜合,大笑匠),有Johnny Cash(一代民謠歌手),現在奧巴馬做總統,我地冇希望,冇現金(We have no hope and we have no cash)」。列根總統在任之時,美國自由派知識分子睇佢唔起,認為佢冇知識,冇內涵,只識唸台詞做戲。但三十年後,列根被視為美國一位偉大總統,共和黨人之神聖偶像,一個政治人物之評價,會隨歷史變遷而改變。
6歲愛滋孤兒獨抗絕症 拒同住學校拒收只剩黑狗相伴
明報 2010-11-07 星期人物
6 歲愛滋孤兒沒人養頑強求存
廣西柳州市6 歲的愛滋孤兒阿龍,父母親去世後,就獨自生活在深山小村內,一個人洗衣煮飯,一個人餵雞養狗,一個人讀書認字……雖然獨自快樂獨自悲傷,但他仍堅強地活下去。
阿龍生活在柳州市馬鹿山腳的牛車坪村,他住半山腰的3 間平房內,房內甚至連窗戶都沒有。其中一間獨立小屋是阿龍的臥室。另外兩間相連的平房,因父親在此去世,如今再無人靠近。小屋前的一片空地,是阿龍平時活動的場所。他最常做的事,就是抱那條叫「老黑」的狗,望通往外界的那條路發呆。
自從父親去年7 月過世後,阿龍就未再下過山。知情者稱,阿龍的母親和父親在去年先後去世,最終證實兩人患的是愛滋病。本來有人想收養阿龍,但因阿龍也被證實是愛滋病帶菌者,好心人退卻了,村民也害怕了。
彷彿就在一夜之間,阿龍長大了許多。儘管接連遭遇家庭變故,阿龍卻未掉過眼淚。年僅6 歲的他,學會了煮飯洗衣,學會了看時間做事,學會了自讀自寫,學會了獨自活下去。當地村委會人員表示,阿龍的情令人擔心,但是村委能做的,只能是確保他衣食無憂, 「沒有吃的穿的,我們可以買,但在醫療、教育、撫養等方面,我們能做的並不多。」
E06 1 . 蘋果日報
美國中期選舉,共和黨大勝,重奪眾議院控制權,俄亥俄州眾議員John A. Boehner代替來自加州三藩市眾議員佩蘿茜做眾議院議長(Speaker)。呢位貝納先生係一位脫貧成功經典例子,佢有一位哥哥,十位弟妹,一家十四口住在一間兩睡房細屋,爸爸經營一間小鎮小酒吧,佢自學曉站立,行路開始,就幫爸爸在酒吧抹地、洗廁所、洗碗碟、企,長大後成為全家第一人考入大學(Xavier University),靠半工讀支持學業,佢經常講:"I loved every job that I had, at least until I get the next one."(我鍾意每一份工,直至搵到第二份為止),絕不會做一份怨一份,騎牛搵馬之時,絕不偷懶。時下不少人打工,做份怨份,做冇乜心機,應該向貝納學習。
貝納今年競選時,到處講一個玩弄文字笑話,每次都引起哄堂大笑,選民受落。佢講:「昔日列根總統時候,我地有Bob Hope(卜合,大笑匠),有Johnny Cash(一代民謠歌手),現在奧巴馬做總統,我地冇希望,冇現金(We have no hope and we have no cash)」。列根總統在任之時,美國自由派知識分子睇佢唔起,認為佢冇知識,冇內涵,只識唸台詞做戲。但三十年後,列根被視為美國一位偉大總統,共和黨人之神聖偶像,一個政治人物之評價,會隨歷史變遷而改變。

雪洱做的可能就是突破這個中國人的思想瓶頸,時興平反,國運1909為極晚清的一干十九世紀八十後來一個平反。沒有操守的西方傳媒的渲染﹑被稱為恐怖份子的革命黨人的活動,妖魔化了晚清對中國現代化的貢獻。自 “走向共和”採納劍橋中國史的史觀,褒李鴻章﹑貶國父孫中山,似乎晚清史會是史學界的新潮了。雪洱嘗試平反慈禧太后﹑隆裕太后﹑八十後攝政王載灃。載灃在極右洋務派﹑極左類義和團派甚至在革命黨人中極力得到大清國的全民共識及主流話語體系的主旋律,摒棄”中學為體﹑西學為用”,因為多次的軍事挫折,證實此模式不行。政治改革﹑憲政是唯一的出路。不少憲政學者都寫過大清搞憲政的認真的,作者雪洱就道“1909年,開始的的宣統新朝,在統治者並非做作的努力下,開始了擴大政治基礎﹑權力分享的艱難歷程。後世無可否認,哪個年代所能達到的政治開明與寬容,都是後世人望塵難及”。
星島日報 每日雜誌 中國點點點 2010-10-20
歷史問題指大國崛起的歷史,Paul Kennedy看大國崛起分析了荷蘭﹑英國衰亡,是沒有龐大的腹地讓國家經濟以至軍事進一步發展,龐大的國土讓國家有軍事布局有迴旋餘地,看觀抗日時國民政府在重慶苟延殘喘,亦可以敗部復活。再者,近百年的西方稱霸的歷史,更說明中日無條件不結盟,Andrew Roberts 分析英語世界下的美英結盟的任何一場戰爭,從未輸過,這個是實證。歷史亦證明國際政治沒有永遠敵人,最好的例子是美英;英國是美國前宗主國,唯一曾經佔領華盛頓﹑火燒國會﹑白宮既不是德國人﹑日本人或者蘇聯人,而是英國人(1814年),兩國理應有深仇大恨,但是經過近一世紀的和解,經歷一戰﹑二戰﹑冷戰﹑兩次伊戰﹑反恐,還有其他看不到的政經﹑外交﹑情報的合作,美英仇人成為鐵桿子拍檔。現時英國不可以沒有美國(看觀1952年蘇伊士運河危機,沒有美國,英法單獨行動即時不行)。同樣,英法亦有類似的所謂歷史問題,經過不只一個世紀,而是差不多上千年的鬥爭(聖女貞德﹑拿破崙的例子可以隨手沾來),在1904年兩國簽訂友好協議,在一戰﹑二戰站在勝利的一方。
英國不可以沒有美國,日本不可以沒有中國(中國可以沒有日本這個朋友,但交惡則有老美支持,美國擔心的是中日大和解)。文化和意識形態上,中日其實都是東亞中心腹地起源(The East Asian Heartland)的文化,Lucian Pye指大家都是家長權威模式﹑Samuel Huntington指同屬泛儒家文明。舉一個實例,一九八九年六四後,西方向中國大陸實施制裁,大家對比一下日本和澳洲﹑日本和法國對中國實施的制裁力度和措施,大家就知道為什麼毛主席喜歡日本人。再者,從現今中國政府統治精英的想法,日本正是偽民主的良好示範,戰犯做首相﹑五五體制﹑反對派長期在野,不正合口味嗎?在最少的機會成本下達至政治民主化。在理性分析下,中日應該結盟,可惜人類宿醉的時候往往比清醒的時候長得多。
(Singtao 10 October 2010)
You can't handle the truth; China CAN!
“You can't handle the truth."
回說因事件”曝”得大名的伍皓,今年四月廿二日在北京人民大學演講時被學生扔總值三十大元的五毛錢紙幣。中國的進步總令人有追不上的感,這次事件,令我再次感到中國真的強大了,不是因為了國庫多了美債﹑日債,而是連我國都有Spin Doctor和敢說不的類社民連的大學生。國家真的變了。
(RTHK 07 Oct 2010/ Singtao)
Colonel Nathan in “A Few Good Man”
回說因事件”曝”得大名的伍皓,今年四月廿二日在北京人民大學演講時被學生扔總值三十大元的五毛錢紙幣。中國的進步總令人有追不上的感,這次事件,令我再次感到中國真的強大了,不是因為了國庫多了美債﹑日債,而是連我國都有Spin Doctor和敢說不的類社民連的大學生。國家真的變了。
(RTHK 07 Oct 2010/ Singtao)
Greed is Good
If Hong Kong were able to hold a referendum on the HK Basic Law,, Article 5 would be passed straight away and unanimously. Recent debates on whether Hong Kong society at large hates the wealthy (e.g. land developers) and powerful (e.g. senior officials) and the values of the late 80s, as well as the so-called “Central Value (Chungwan)”, are off the mark and out of focus. People have alleged that such debates were the result of the League of Social Democrats (LSD) and other fledgling streams of leftist ideas. Both the observation and the analysis are inaccurate. First, the LSD does not have the clout to direct such trends. Second, HK people at large are still emotionally attached to capitalist ideas and the free market. So what do we actually care about?
Capitalist System and Way of Life
Article 5 of the HK Basic Law provides that the capitalist system and the way of life shall remain unchanged. What is capitalism? Or, what is NOT capitalism? When one particular group of economic elites gain crucial advantages, become too successful, and begin to collude with one another instead of competing, capitalism can easily turn into corporatism, or to use a more progressive term, cronyism, or should we wish to use neo-Marxist terminology, hegemony. No one doubts that HK is heading in such a direction. The corporatist setting has been manifested in the parochial installation of a functional constituency in LEGCO. Cronyism has seemingly been evident in the administration’s affirmative action on pedigree in statutory committee appointments. Hegemony has been seen everywhere, even without walking into PARK’N Shop, Watsons and other stores…. Corporatism, cronyism and hegemony are not capitalism. Likewise, unbridled capitalism is not capitalism per se. The free market, fair competition, and, more importantly, an impartial and bipartisan administration that regulates commercial activities, are the real essence of capitalism.
Regulatory Regime
Article 5 of the Basic Law also states that “Hong Kong maintains a free and open market economy with a free flow of capital, goods, intangible assets, and a freely convertible currency. People's lifestyle remains the same as before.” Gordon Gekko said “greed is good. Greed breeds energy, power and love and it progresses human development”. I would say, “the free market of Ideas and capital brings the entrepreneurship of opinions and the betterment of livelihood.” HK people, including the pseudo-socialists, readily accept that the market system is the best mechanism devised for creating wealth and innovation, and thus, have never thought of rolling back capitalism. Moreover, I trust that the Hon. Wong Yuk-man of the LSD would also concur. At the other end of the spectrum, in his 1859 essay On Liberty, John Stuart Mill argues that free speech is crucial to the pursuit of truth, because discussion of different opinions serves to challenge and clarify beliefs. As in an economic free market, competition gives rise to challenges to the status quo and breeds innovation. What the state should do is to regulate the market for the sake of fair competition and avoiding monopoly, to legislate against selling goods that are unsafe or non-compliant, and to legislate against goods-related assertions or manifestations by words or conduct that do not accord with the facts. An efficient, effective and responsible regulatory regime would also ban insider trading in the market. Hong Kong people do not expect the state to be a “nanny state” that takes over aspects of our private lives such as by helping those cannot afford to purchase property and to set up a family, or by banning chewing gum and fellatio.
We don’t hate the rich and the powerful; rather, if hatred exists, unbridled capitalism, cronyism, corporatism and hegemony are the real targets.
(SCMP 07 October 2010)
Capitalist System and Way of Life
Article 5 of the HK Basic Law provides that the capitalist system and the way of life shall remain unchanged. What is capitalism? Or, what is NOT capitalism? When one particular group of economic elites gain crucial advantages, become too successful, and begin to collude with one another instead of competing, capitalism can easily turn into corporatism, or to use a more progressive term, cronyism, or should we wish to use neo-Marxist terminology, hegemony. No one doubts that HK is heading in such a direction. The corporatist setting has been manifested in the parochial installation of a functional constituency in LEGCO. Cronyism has seemingly been evident in the administration’s affirmative action on pedigree in statutory committee appointments. Hegemony has been seen everywhere, even without walking into PARK’N Shop, Watsons and other stores…. Corporatism, cronyism and hegemony are not capitalism. Likewise, unbridled capitalism is not capitalism per se. The free market, fair competition, and, more importantly, an impartial and bipartisan administration that regulates commercial activities, are the real essence of capitalism.
Regulatory Regime
Article 5 of the Basic Law also states that “Hong Kong maintains a free and open market economy with a free flow of capital, goods, intangible assets, and a freely convertible currency. People's lifestyle remains the same as before.” Gordon Gekko said “greed is good. Greed breeds energy, power and love and it progresses human development”. I would say, “the free market of Ideas and capital brings the entrepreneurship of opinions and the betterment of livelihood.” HK people, including the pseudo-socialists, readily accept that the market system is the best mechanism devised for creating wealth and innovation, and thus, have never thought of rolling back capitalism. Moreover, I trust that the Hon. Wong Yuk-man of the LSD would also concur. At the other end of the spectrum, in his 1859 essay On Liberty, John Stuart Mill argues that free speech is crucial to the pursuit of truth, because discussion of different opinions serves to challenge and clarify beliefs. As in an economic free market, competition gives rise to challenges to the status quo and breeds innovation. What the state should do is to regulate the market for the sake of fair competition and avoiding monopoly, to legislate against selling goods that are unsafe or non-compliant, and to legislate against goods-related assertions or manifestations by words or conduct that do not accord with the facts. An efficient, effective and responsible regulatory regime would also ban insider trading in the market. Hong Kong people do not expect the state to be a “nanny state” that takes over aspects of our private lives such as by helping those cannot afford to purchase property and to set up a family, or by banning chewing gum and fellatio.
We don’t hate the rich and the powerful; rather, if hatred exists, unbridled capitalism, cronyism, corporatism and hegemony are the real targets.
(SCMP 07 October 2010)
Sub-sovereignty is a necessary evil
If the 1999 Right of Abode case was the first debate on the autonomy of the HKSAR, the current debate is the second. This time, the discussion touches upon the external autonomy of the SAR.
Realpolitik Operation of International Law
Public international law operates on the basis of Darwinist realpolitik. No matter how vehement the protestations of idealists over the centuries, international law is a “winner takes all” and “first speaker” legal arena. Stephen Krasner even went as far as to comment that sovereignty is an “organized hypocrisy” in describing the oxymoronic nature of the concept in the post-Westphalian era. The USSR, in the course of negotiating with the US on founding membership of the UN, requested that all 15 Soviet Republics become member states. With the threat of its counterpart doing the same, Stalin withheld his much fantasized idea. Therefore, it was quite comical when it came to the author’s attention that someone had used “sovereignty” to criticize his own countrymen, whose late Qing ancestors were traumatized by the same pretext in the 1844 Opium War and the 1900 Boxer Rising. Genuine patriots should be more sensitive with this taboo.
Celestial Court under Heaven
Equality has never been our world view. Whether justified or not, China has claimed to be the celestial court under heaven. John Schrecher observed that the term “sovereignty” had mostly been used when the Chinese state was weak (i.e. in 1909 - 2 years before the Republican revolution). States have been flexible with the operation of “Equality” (“Compatibility”). if not, there would have been some faux pas. Deng Xiaoping was the vice-premier of China when he visited the US in 1979, ten years later, Comrade Deng, in his civil capacity, met General Secretary Gorbachev in Beijing. Also, it was not the GOP chairman met Secretary Gorbachev in the 1986 Reykjavík Summit. Nor would Colonel Gadaffi of Libya have been greeted by military officers when he paid foreign visits. Should the principle of equality be enforced in such a stringent manner that Manila would have no compatible counterpart to entertain calls from Sir Donald Tsang, modern diplomacy would not be able to operate day in and day out. At the end of the day, international politics is built on the realist calculation of power, and thus respect.
Domestic Intervention
In recent years, the Chinese government has become ever more sparing in its use of the term “sovereignty” (Charlson 2005). If we were obliged to adopt a doctrinal analysis of international law, one would find that domestic affairs are not totally immune from outside forces. In Nicaragua v United States of America ( [1986] ICJ Reports 14), the ICJ laid down four major principles reflecting the view that foreign governments cannot intervene in the home state’s choice of political, economic, social and cultural institutions, or in its foreign policy making. Operationally, one state must not seek to intervene in another state’s political affairs, nor support separatist movements and topple other states. There are reasons for intervention, such as enforcing international treaties, intervening on humanitarian grounds, protecting life and property, and preserving the state’s reputation. In any event, provided it does not violate Article 4 of Chapter 2 of the UN Charter — which stipulates the principles of non-violence, no threat of force and no compromise of local jurisdictional powers — intervention may be legal. In such a case, helping the local legal enforcement authorities to investigate and adopting other necessary means to protect lives and preserve the dignity of a state are clearly legal.
Delegation of Powers
However, these propositions all depend on whether (1) the HKSAR can undertake the aforementioned types of state behaviour on behalf of its sovereign, i.e. the PRC; (2) the HKSAR’s action falls within the scope of its delegated powers in accordance with the State Constitution and the Basic Law; (3) ultra vires action taken by the HKSAR (in this case, calling Arroyo without proper authorization from the CPG) can be ratified by the CPG on an ex post basis (otherwise, it would still be unconstitutional).
Furthermore, which party can ratify such action? According to Articles 17 and 18 of the PRC Legislation Law, the NPC is entitled to repeal and amend local laws, self-autonomy ordinances, and unilateral ordinances of local provinces and regions. This legislation does not cover executive action taken by local governments, nor is it applicable in HK. Neither the Constitution nor the PRC Legislation Law includes any specific provisions on this issue. If the SC were to complain, Audrey Eu may have to seek a remedy from the Supreme People’s Court by requesting that it issue a judicial interpretation on this case. Should we seek approval from the President of the PRC? After all, he represents the state in its activities. Alternatively, should we look to the NPCSC — the state’s highest power organ, constitutionally— or turn to the State Council, which issued and offered the appointment letter to CH and Yam-kuen?
If one adopts the principle of proportionality or reasonableness, one may very possibly accept that the President of the PRC can call the president of the US directly, though the State Constitution only stipulates the “performing state activity” provision.
As for Article 13 of the Basic Law and the possible application of Article 151, this really depends on whether the CPG adopts a hands-off or hands-on management style. There would be no question of constitutionality should the CPG be obliged to take care of all details, as this would imply that Yam-kuen has no power to call, whether or not the call is answered, because it is ultra vires all along. In that case, the CPG may have to consider whether or not to ratify Yam-kuen’s ultra vires action. Should we accept that delegated foreign-related behaviour is subject to ex ante CPG approval, ex post ratification may be the only remedy capable of redressing the illegality. An example is the PRC Ethnic Autonomous Region Law, which empowers the regional government to partially enforce or cease enforcing the CPG’s directives after seeking the superior organ’s ex ante approval.
Another example of this is the US War Powers Act. The US President is the commander in chief and the power to declare war rests with Congress. According to this Act passed in 1973, the president can send troops after the US has been attacked or is under serious threat of force. The president is required to inform Congress within 48 hours, and if the proposed action is not endorsed by the Hill, the president must withdraw forces within 60 days.
Possible Application of the Common Law Principle
Had the court been able to adjudicate the case and adopt a judicial activism approach, “Callingate” would have been constitutional. This prediction is based on the premise of Minister of Home Affairs v Fisher ([1980] AC 319), which held that our mini-constitution should be interpreted in a generous and purposive manner. Yet this case merely involved individual liberty and did not touch upon executive action per se. In the case of Ma Wai Kwan, J Patrick Chan stated that the principle laid down in Attorney General of the Gambia v Jobe ([1984] AC 689) and R v Sin Yau-ming ([1992]1 HKCLR 127) can be adopted to interpret the Basic Law. The Court of Final Appeal clearly stated in the Ng Ka Ling case that the Basic Law is a “living document” aimed at coping with changing circumstances. The courts must therefore avoid interpreting the law in a literal, technical or parochial manner. Should we have the luxury of the local courts adjudicating the issue, “Callingate” would not be found to have contravened Articles 13 and 151 of the Basic Law. Nonetheless, the foregoing discussion merely represents the author’s hypothetical projection which will not be tested in practice.
The Politics of Law
From the political perspective, Beijing would be best advised to act generously by allowing the demoralized chief executive to make the call when Hong Kong’s “subjects” are under threat overseas. Legally speaking, to transplant the agency law principle of commercial law, Yam-kuen was the agent of necessity who did the necessary thing (though it was ultra vires per se) in the case of absolute imminence, albeit without proper authorization from Beijing. Even under such circumstances, the court would perceive it as a legal and reasonable delegation and exercise of power under the doctrine of necessitous intervention.
In conclusion, “Callingate” was reasonable, proportionate and necessary.
Realpolitik Operation of International Law
Public international law operates on the basis of Darwinist realpolitik. No matter how vehement the protestations of idealists over the centuries, international law is a “winner takes all” and “first speaker” legal arena. Stephen Krasner even went as far as to comment that sovereignty is an “organized hypocrisy” in describing the oxymoronic nature of the concept in the post-Westphalian era. The USSR, in the course of negotiating with the US on founding membership of the UN, requested that all 15 Soviet Republics become member states. With the threat of its counterpart doing the same, Stalin withheld his much fantasized idea. Therefore, it was quite comical when it came to the author’s attention that someone had used “sovereignty” to criticize his own countrymen, whose late Qing ancestors were traumatized by the same pretext in the 1844 Opium War and the 1900 Boxer Rising. Genuine patriots should be more sensitive with this taboo.
Celestial Court under Heaven
Equality has never been our world view. Whether justified or not, China has claimed to be the celestial court under heaven. John Schrecher observed that the term “sovereignty” had mostly been used when the Chinese state was weak (i.e. in 1909 - 2 years before the Republican revolution). States have been flexible with the operation of “Equality” (“Compatibility”). if not, there would have been some faux pas. Deng Xiaoping was the vice-premier of China when he visited the US in 1979, ten years later, Comrade Deng, in his civil capacity, met General Secretary Gorbachev in Beijing. Also, it was not the GOP chairman met Secretary Gorbachev in the 1986 Reykjavík Summit. Nor would Colonel Gadaffi of Libya have been greeted by military officers when he paid foreign visits. Should the principle of equality be enforced in such a stringent manner that Manila would have no compatible counterpart to entertain calls from Sir Donald Tsang, modern diplomacy would not be able to operate day in and day out. At the end of the day, international politics is built on the realist calculation of power, and thus respect.
Domestic Intervention
In recent years, the Chinese government has become ever more sparing in its use of the term “sovereignty” (Charlson 2005). If we were obliged to adopt a doctrinal analysis of international law, one would find that domestic affairs are not totally immune from outside forces. In Nicaragua v United States of America ( [1986] ICJ Reports 14), the ICJ laid down four major principles reflecting the view that foreign governments cannot intervene in the home state’s choice of political, economic, social and cultural institutions, or in its foreign policy making. Operationally, one state must not seek to intervene in another state’s political affairs, nor support separatist movements and topple other states. There are reasons for intervention, such as enforcing international treaties, intervening on humanitarian grounds, protecting life and property, and preserving the state’s reputation. In any event, provided it does not violate Article 4 of Chapter 2 of the UN Charter — which stipulates the principles of non-violence, no threat of force and no compromise of local jurisdictional powers — intervention may be legal. In such a case, helping the local legal enforcement authorities to investigate and adopting other necessary means to protect lives and preserve the dignity of a state are clearly legal.
Delegation of Powers
However, these propositions all depend on whether (1) the HKSAR can undertake the aforementioned types of state behaviour on behalf of its sovereign, i.e. the PRC; (2) the HKSAR’s action falls within the scope of its delegated powers in accordance with the State Constitution and the Basic Law; (3) ultra vires action taken by the HKSAR (in this case, calling Arroyo without proper authorization from the CPG) can be ratified by the CPG on an ex post basis (otherwise, it would still be unconstitutional).
Furthermore, which party can ratify such action? According to Articles 17 and 18 of the PRC Legislation Law, the NPC is entitled to repeal and amend local laws, self-autonomy ordinances, and unilateral ordinances of local provinces and regions. This legislation does not cover executive action taken by local governments, nor is it applicable in HK. Neither the Constitution nor the PRC Legislation Law includes any specific provisions on this issue. If the SC were to complain, Audrey Eu may have to seek a remedy from the Supreme People’s Court by requesting that it issue a judicial interpretation on this case. Should we seek approval from the President of the PRC? After all, he represents the state in its activities. Alternatively, should we look to the NPCSC — the state’s highest power organ, constitutionally— or turn to the State Council, which issued and offered the appointment letter to CH and Yam-kuen?
If one adopts the principle of proportionality or reasonableness, one may very possibly accept that the President of the PRC can call the president of the US directly, though the State Constitution only stipulates the “performing state activity” provision.
As for Article 13 of the Basic Law and the possible application of Article 151, this really depends on whether the CPG adopts a hands-off or hands-on management style. There would be no question of constitutionality should the CPG be obliged to take care of all details, as this would imply that Yam-kuen has no power to call, whether or not the call is answered, because it is ultra vires all along. In that case, the CPG may have to consider whether or not to ratify Yam-kuen’s ultra vires action. Should we accept that delegated foreign-related behaviour is subject to ex ante CPG approval, ex post ratification may be the only remedy capable of redressing the illegality. An example is the PRC Ethnic Autonomous Region Law, which empowers the regional government to partially enforce or cease enforcing the CPG’s directives after seeking the superior organ’s ex ante approval.
Another example of this is the US War Powers Act. The US President is the commander in chief and the power to declare war rests with Congress. According to this Act passed in 1973, the president can send troops after the US has been attacked or is under serious threat of force. The president is required to inform Congress within 48 hours, and if the proposed action is not endorsed by the Hill, the president must withdraw forces within 60 days.
Possible Application of the Common Law Principle
Had the court been able to adjudicate the case and adopt a judicial activism approach, “Callingate” would have been constitutional. This prediction is based on the premise of Minister of Home Affairs v Fisher ([1980] AC 319), which held that our mini-constitution should be interpreted in a generous and purposive manner. Yet this case merely involved individual liberty and did not touch upon executive action per se. In the case of Ma Wai Kwan, J Patrick Chan stated that the principle laid down in Attorney General of the Gambia v Jobe ([1984] AC 689) and R v Sin Yau-ming ([1992]1 HKCLR 127) can be adopted to interpret the Basic Law. The Court of Final Appeal clearly stated in the Ng Ka Ling case that the Basic Law is a “living document” aimed at coping with changing circumstances. The courts must therefore avoid interpreting the law in a literal, technical or parochial manner. Should we have the luxury of the local courts adjudicating the issue, “Callingate” would not be found to have contravened Articles 13 and 151 of the Basic Law. Nonetheless, the foregoing discussion merely represents the author’s hypothetical projection which will not be tested in practice.
The Politics of Law
From the political perspective, Beijing would be best advised to act generously by allowing the demoralized chief executive to make the call when Hong Kong’s “subjects” are under threat overseas. Legally speaking, to transplant the agency law principle of commercial law, Yam-kuen was the agent of necessity who did the necessary thing (though it was ultra vires per se) in the case of absolute imminence, albeit without proper authorization from Beijing. Even under such circumstances, the court would perceive it as a legal and reasonable delegation and exercise of power under the doctrine of necessitous intervention.
In conclusion, “Callingate” was reasonable, proportionate and necessary.
讀這本書之前,總想哈佛大學之名如雷貫耳,Jeffery Saich教授當年為後蘇聯的俄羅斯經濟開出「大震盪」一劑猛藥,會否和此書各位專家學者一樣呢?答案是:否。看完這本書,你可能發覺他們比我們中國人,更關注中國的經濟與社會的整體發展。
與 JeffreySaich的「大震盪」藥方不同,哈佛大學研究中國經濟與社會的學者,似乎更相信通過政府解決經濟和社會問題。譬如︰珀金斯教授認為中國城市化的水平仍然稍為偏低,是因為人為控制的戶口制度問題,要長遠解決、減輕貧富差距的問題要通過累進稅制再分配收入。當然這個政策,內地新左派甚或非新左派的經濟學家都已經提過,不過關鍵是珀金斯教授是老外且是哈大教授!
星島日報 2010-09-29
摘自香港電台第一台《中國點點點》之「好書在手」環節,由Roundtable Pioneers成員介紹內地出版的書籍,從中帶出相關的中國國情與發展概況。節目逢周一至周五下午三時至四時半播出;「好書在手」環節逢周四播出。
讀這本書之前,總想哈佛大學之名如雷貫耳,Jeffery Saich教授當年為後蘇聯的俄羅斯經濟開出「大震盪」一劑猛藥,會否和此書各位專家學者一樣呢?答案是:否。看完這本書,你可能發覺他們比我們中國人,更關注中國的經濟與社會的整體發展。
與 JeffreySaich的「大震盪」藥方不同,哈佛大學研究中國經濟與社會的學者,似乎更相信通過政府解決經濟和社會問題。譬如︰珀金斯教授認為中國城市化的水平仍然稍為偏低,是因為人為控制的戶口制度問題,要長遠解決、減輕貧富差距的問題要通過累進稅制再分配收入。當然這個政策,內地新左派甚或非新左派的經濟學家都已經提過,不過關鍵是珀金斯教授是老外且是哈大教授!
星島日報 2010-09-29
摘自香港電台第一台《中國點點點》之「好書在手」環節,由Roundtable Pioneers成員介紹內地出版的書籍,從中帶出相關的中國國情與發展概況。節目逢周一至周五下午三時至四時半播出;「好書在手」環節逢周四播出。
(星島日報 9.9.2010)
本文以基本邏輯﹑政治學﹑國際法學知識嘗試拋磚引玉,回應香港有沒有次主權的學術討論。由於各方的關注,一宗全香港為之動容的悲劇,引發自回歸後第二場關係一國兩制下香港作為中華人民共和國特別行政區的自主權問題(Autonomy:可譯為自治權或自主權,國內的民族自治區,官方英譯為Ethic Autonomous Region。為突顯Special Administrative Region的不同,本文採用自主權)。一九九九年的居港權爭議涉及對內自主權,今次無可避免將會是第二場自主權辯論,不過今次涉及的是對外自主權。本文主要有六點,分別為︰法律與政治的互動﹑國際公法的操作﹑國家政治的對等﹑干涉對內主權原則﹑授權問題。
國際公法的操作有很大彈性,這個彈性基於一個殘酷的政治現實,當今國際政治舞台在幾百年來無論理想主義多努力,仍然是一個現實主義﹑弱肉強食的達爾文世界。忌強恃弱是生存原則,中外皆然,國際法不過是強國維持既有的國際秩序之合理化的工具。容我引用老外學術權威類新馬克思學派的國際關係學者Stephen Krasner,他曾經就用過集體作假 (“Organized Hypocrisy”)的概念來形容後西發利亞年代(Post-Westphalia-主權概念的開端)主權的應用。將主權原則轉化為可以操作的程序,往往是政治的考量﹑力量的比照。譬如︰蘇聯在聯合國成立時竟然提出全部十五個加盟共和國成為會員,最後在美國威脅當年全國的四十八個州都成為會員,莫斯科才減持至蘇聯﹑烏克蘭和白俄羅斯三個議席。再者,當年列強正就是用現代主權概念(如︰維護英人財產-鴉片﹗保護在華僑民)發動鴉片戰爭﹑八國聯軍侵華。今天如果我們堅持同一個原則,難免予人“一日學識胡兒語﹑站在城頭罵漢人”之感。至於“以大欺小”和有評論指出以色列的反面例子作為理由,本文反有 “寧贈友邦﹑不予家[奴]”之慨。
“對等”從不存在於中國文化中的世界觀。我國是天朝大國,四方蠻夷戎狄豈有對等過? “主權是舨來品”,中國傳統(鴉片戰爭前)的世界觀是殷海光形容的“天朝型模觀”,而John Schrecher (1971)在〈帝國主義和中國民族主義︰德國在山東〉(Imperialism and Chinese Nationalism: Germany in Shantung)一書就觀察到“主權”最早在中國於一八六零年出現,而往往是在最弱的時候提得最多(為一九零九年即八國聯軍前夕)。而當今主權國交往的對等原則,一向有彈性。以"對等"的原則作為不能逾越的天條,國務院總理不能見總統﹑國務卿只能在北京見外長,外交操作上不太可行。當年鄧小平以副總理身份出訪美國﹑以平民身份在京接待戈爾巴喬夫,如果當年美蘇以對等原則待慢鄧公,後果堪虞。“如果沒有菲律賓次主權代表人物,所以特首可能沒有對口單位,這個國內﹑國際上亦有對應方法,譬如︰接待朝鮮領導人時往往是用中國共產黨的名義﹑以蘇共總書記身份出訪美國的戈爾巴喬夫接待的不會是美國共和黨主席﹑相信利比亞卡達菲上校出訪,別國亦不會因此找個校級軍官接待吧。簡而言之,對等原則似乎是靈活和相對的;對等同主權原則一樣都是現實政治建構出來。
中國政府在改革開放初期比較多講中國內政不容別國侵犯,伴隨中國經濟力量的崛起,國家近年在國際上信心日強,講的次數就愈來愈少(詳見Allen Carlson (2005). Unifying China, Integrating with the World: The Chinese Approach to Sovereignty During the Reform Era)。如果一定要用國際公法學說分析(doctrinal analysis) (詳細要另文說明),國際法庭就有關內政不容侵犯論在Nicaragua v United States of America( [1986] ICJ Reports 14)一案中定立了原則,一國政府的政治﹑經濟﹑社會﹑文化制度的選擇與及外交政策制訂在該國內有絕對的自主權(“Absolute Autonomy”: 說明自主權一詞不代表完全自主)。因此運作上,不得干預別國政治事務﹑不得支持別國的分離活動﹑不能尋求推翻別國政府。而其他理由如︰履行國際條約﹑人道原因﹑人命財產保障﹑保存國家名譽,法理上在不違反聯合國憲章第二章四條之下﹑不涉及武力或武力威脅﹑不損害當地政府的司法管轄權,都可以算是合法的。用菲律賓做例子,如果國際社會認為菲律賓的管治能力有問題﹔特區可以中國香港名義於當地協助香港人,或馬尼拉政府在沒有武力威脅下邀請香港特區協助調查﹑搜證,都是是符合國際法和國際慣例(所以其實律政司應出動國際法律科出動輔以警務處)。聯合國憲章﹑聯合國2005年的World Summit Outcome都有此主張,在此不贅。當然這個論點的關鍵是,香港特區能否代表中國行使國際公法中的權利與義務,或者特區行為是否有合符國家憲法﹑基本法來自中央的授權﹐ (畢竟中國憲法規定中華人民共和國是單一制國家[unitary state]非聯邦制國家,地方權力需要中央授權),又或者在沒有主權國授權下的特區越權行為稍後有沒有得到中央確認(否則依然不合憲)。
再進一步,誰能確認呢﹖中國的〈立法法﹜十七﹑八十八條指 “人大有權改變或徹銷超越權限﹑下位法違反上位法的法律﹑地方性法規和自治條例及單行條例”。但此法並無涉及地方行政行為(即打電話),亦不在港適用。中國憲法無說明﹑立法法沒有說明﹑是否需要最高人民法院來個司法解釋(大狀們應該會放心一些,畢竟法官不能冒犯)?還是由國家主席(根據憲法,國家主席代表中國進行國事活動)﹑人大常委(法理上是國家最高權力的執行機關)或者國務院(特首的委任狀是國務院簽發)。
在授權問題上,如果用“相稱”(proportionality)(註2) 或 “合理”(reasonableness)原則,看觀中國憲法中第八十一條 “中華人民共和國主席代表中華人民共和國,進行國事活動,接受外國使節…..”,國家主席可能不能夠代表中國打電話給美國總統,因為只可以 “進行國事活動,接受外國使節…..”。這個演繹荒謬﹑不合理,亦不相稱。又譬如︰中國憲法第八十九條(九)指國務院有“管理對外事務,同外國締結條約和協定職權”,因此可能國務院總理無權參與外交事務;憲法九十二條︰ “國務院對全國人民代表大會負責並報告工作…”,亦不是指國務院向全體全部人大代表問責,這是相稱的演繹。
如果法院能進行電話門的違憲審查(現實中應該不能),從香港法院法官近年來的眾多違憲審查案件來分析,電話門應會通過測試。如果法院傾向司法積極主義(這要看馬道立大法官了﹗),陳兆愷法官在《陳錦雅訴入境處長》一案引用樞密院Fisher案 [1989]AC319(註3),指出法院應對基本法中給予的權利和自由一“寬鬆(generous)及目的論(purposive)的解釋,而同案的法官Mortimer更指如未能發現目的,仍須給予寬鬆的解釋。不過此案講的是個人權利,不涉及特首的行政行為。然,陳官在早一年即九七年的《香港特區訴馬維騉》案([1997]HKLRD 761)中(此案屬違憲審查),就已經指樞密院Jobe案 (註4)和香港上訴法院的洗有明案(註5) 所主張的寬鬆和目的論解釋可適用於基本法。正如香港終審法院在吳嘉玲案([1999] 1 HKLRD)指出基本法是一份Living Document,旨在應付環境的需要,法院應該避免字面的﹑技術的﹑狹隘﹑生硬的方法來解釋基本法。不過,上述只是本文 What If式的推演,現實中不會發生。
本文誠然﹔在情,中央何不慷慨地(同樣是generous)讓特首在香港市民於海外受襲或在嚴重威脅下打一通電話。在法,借用商業法中代理原則(principal-agent/ 或曰Agency Law),特首是緊急處理的代理(agency of necessity),因緊急情況而無法請示被代表人(即中央或國家主席)而作出的越權利為,法院會確認此為合理合法的授權(doctrine of necessitous intervention)。.電話門事件似乎都是相稱﹑合情和合理。
(1) 一個語理問題︰如果偽議題﹑偽概念都已經不是議題﹑不是概念。次主權﹑自主權已經不能視理解為“主權”。 “Quasi-state"不可以理解為完全意義的”State”一樣,又例如︰假男人不是男人;不能擁有全部男人應有能力的男人,又是否能稱為男人?這是觀感和理性分析的取捨,一個太監觀感上可以是男人,理性分析是人但一定不是男人。
(2)容許本文政治不正確的引用加拿大最高法院的案例 R v Oakes([1986] 1 SCR 103)。
(3)Minister of Home Affairs v Fisher ([1980] AC 319)的原則是在解釋憲法條文時,應注意有關憲法文件的性質和背景,並採取較寬鬆的解釋,保障權利和自由。
(4)Attorney General of the Gambia v Jobe([1984] AC 689) 中,樞密院引用了法律的合憲性推定原則(presumption of constitutionality)。
(5)R v Sin Yau-ming ([1992]1 HKCLR 127),〈危機藥物條例〉違反人權法無罪推定原則。
國際公法的操作有很大彈性,這個彈性基於一個殘酷的政治現實,當今國際政治舞台在幾百年來無論理想主義多努力,仍然是一個現實主義﹑弱肉強食的達爾文世界。忌強恃弱是生存原則,中外皆然,國際法不過是強國維持既有的國際秩序之合理化的工具。容我引用老外學術權威類新馬克思學派的國際關係學者Stephen Krasner,他曾經就用過集體作假 (“Organized Hypocrisy”)的概念來形容後西發利亞年代(Post-Westphalia-主權概念的開端)主權的應用。將主權原則轉化為可以操作的程序,往往是政治的考量﹑力量的比照。譬如︰蘇聯在聯合國成立時竟然提出全部十五個加盟共和國成為會員,最後在美國威脅當年全國的四十八個州都成為會員,莫斯科才減持至蘇聯﹑烏克蘭和白俄羅斯三個議席。再者,當年列強正就是用現代主權概念(如︰維護英人財產-鴉片﹗保護在華僑民)發動鴉片戰爭﹑八國聯軍侵華。今天如果我們堅持同一個原則,難免予人“一日學識胡兒語﹑站在城頭罵漢人”之感。至於“以大欺小”和有評論指出以色列的反面例子作為理由,本文反有 “寧贈友邦﹑不予家[奴]”之慨。
“對等”從不存在於中國文化中的世界觀。我國是天朝大國,四方蠻夷戎狄豈有對等過? “主權是舨來品”,中國傳統(鴉片戰爭前)的世界觀是殷海光形容的“天朝型模觀”,而John Schrecher (1971)在〈帝國主義和中國民族主義︰德國在山東〉(Imperialism and Chinese Nationalism: Germany in Shantung)一書就觀察到“主權”最早在中國於一八六零年出現,而往往是在最弱的時候提得最多(為一九零九年即八國聯軍前夕)。而當今主權國交往的對等原則,一向有彈性。以"對等"的原則作為不能逾越的天條,國務院總理不能見總統﹑國務卿只能在北京見外長,外交操作上不太可行。當年鄧小平以副總理身份出訪美國﹑以平民身份在京接待戈爾巴喬夫,如果當年美蘇以對等原則待慢鄧公,後果堪虞。“如果沒有菲律賓次主權代表人物,所以特首可能沒有對口單位,這個國內﹑國際上亦有對應方法,譬如︰接待朝鮮領導人時往往是用中國共產黨的名義﹑以蘇共總書記身份出訪美國的戈爾巴喬夫接待的不會是美國共和黨主席﹑相信利比亞卡達菲上校出訪,別國亦不會因此找個校級軍官接待吧。簡而言之,對等原則似乎是靈活和相對的;對等同主權原則一樣都是現實政治建構出來。
中國政府在改革開放初期比較多講中國內政不容別國侵犯,伴隨中國經濟力量的崛起,國家近年在國際上信心日強,講的次數就愈來愈少(詳見Allen Carlson (2005). Unifying China, Integrating with the World: The Chinese Approach to Sovereignty During the Reform Era)。如果一定要用國際公法學說分析(doctrinal analysis) (詳細要另文說明),國際法庭就有關內政不容侵犯論在Nicaragua v United States of America( [1986] ICJ Reports 14)一案中定立了原則,一國政府的政治﹑經濟﹑社會﹑文化制度的選擇與及外交政策制訂在該國內有絕對的自主權(“Absolute Autonomy”: 說明自主權一詞不代表完全自主)。因此運作上,不得干預別國政治事務﹑不得支持別國的分離活動﹑不能尋求推翻別國政府。而其他理由如︰履行國際條約﹑人道原因﹑人命財產保障﹑保存國家名譽,法理上在不違反聯合國憲章第二章四條之下﹑不涉及武力或武力威脅﹑不損害當地政府的司法管轄權,都可以算是合法的。用菲律賓做例子,如果國際社會認為菲律賓的管治能力有問題﹔特區可以中國香港名義於當地協助香港人,或馬尼拉政府在沒有武力威脅下邀請香港特區協助調查﹑搜證,都是是符合國際法和國際慣例(所以其實律政司應出動國際法律科出動輔以警務處)。聯合國憲章﹑聯合國2005年的World Summit Outcome都有此主張,在此不贅。當然這個論點的關鍵是,香港特區能否代表中國行使國際公法中的權利與義務,或者特區行為是否有合符國家憲法﹑基本法來自中央的授權﹐ (畢竟中國憲法規定中華人民共和國是單一制國家[unitary state]非聯邦制國家,地方權力需要中央授權),又或者在沒有主權國授權下的特區越權行為稍後有沒有得到中央確認(否則依然不合憲)。
再進一步,誰能確認呢﹖中國的〈立法法﹜十七﹑八十八條指 “人大有權改變或徹銷超越權限﹑下位法違反上位法的法律﹑地方性法規和自治條例及單行條例”。但此法並無涉及地方行政行為(即打電話),亦不在港適用。中國憲法無說明﹑立法法沒有說明﹑是否需要最高人民法院來個司法解釋(大狀們應該會放心一些,畢竟法官不能冒犯)?還是由國家主席(根據憲法,國家主席代表中國進行國事活動)﹑人大常委(法理上是國家最高權力的執行機關)或者國務院(特首的委任狀是國務院簽發)。
在授權問題上,如果用“相稱”(proportionality)(註2) 或 “合理”(reasonableness)原則,看觀中國憲法中第八十一條 “中華人民共和國主席代表中華人民共和國,進行國事活動,接受外國使節…..”,國家主席可能不能夠代表中國打電話給美國總統,因為只可以 “進行國事活動,接受外國使節…..”。這個演繹荒謬﹑不合理,亦不相稱。又譬如︰中國憲法第八十九條(九)指國務院有“管理對外事務,同外國締結條約和協定職權”,因此可能國務院總理無權參與外交事務;憲法九十二條︰ “國務院對全國人民代表大會負責並報告工作…”,亦不是指國務院向全體全部人大代表問責,這是相稱的演繹。
如果法院能進行電話門的違憲審查(現實中應該不能),從香港法院法官近年來的眾多違憲審查案件來分析,電話門應會通過測試。如果法院傾向司法積極主義(這要看馬道立大法官了﹗),陳兆愷法官在《陳錦雅訴入境處長》一案引用樞密院Fisher案 [1989]AC319(註3),指出法院應對基本法中給予的權利和自由一“寬鬆(generous)及目的論(purposive)的解釋,而同案的法官Mortimer更指如未能發現目的,仍須給予寬鬆的解釋。不過此案講的是個人權利,不涉及特首的行政行為。然,陳官在早一年即九七年的《香港特區訴馬維騉》案([1997]HKLRD 761)中(此案屬違憲審查),就已經指樞密院Jobe案 (註4)和香港上訴法院的洗有明案(註5) 所主張的寬鬆和目的論解釋可適用於基本法。正如香港終審法院在吳嘉玲案([1999] 1 HKLRD)指出基本法是一份Living Document,旨在應付環境的需要,法院應該避免字面的﹑技術的﹑狹隘﹑生硬的方法來解釋基本法。不過,上述只是本文 What If式的推演,現實中不會發生。
本文誠然﹔在情,中央何不慷慨地(同樣是generous)讓特首在香港市民於海外受襲或在嚴重威脅下打一通電話。在法,借用商業法中代理原則(principal-agent/ 或曰Agency Law),特首是緊急處理的代理(agency of necessity),因緊急情況而無法請示被代表人(即中央或國家主席)而作出的越權利為,法院會確認此為合理合法的授權(doctrine of necessitous intervention)。.電話門事件似乎都是相稱﹑合情和合理。
(1) 一個語理問題︰如果偽議題﹑偽概念都已經不是議題﹑不是概念。次主權﹑自主權已經不能視理解為“主權”。 “Quasi-state"不可以理解為完全意義的”State”一樣,又例如︰假男人不是男人;不能擁有全部男人應有能力的男人,又是否能稱為男人?這是觀感和理性分析的取捨,一個太監觀感上可以是男人,理性分析是人但一定不是男人。
(2)容許本文政治不正確的引用加拿大最高法院的案例 R v Oakes([1986] 1 SCR 103)。
(3)Minister of Home Affairs v Fisher ([1980] AC 319)的原則是在解釋憲法條文時,應注意有關憲法文件的性質和背景,並採取較寬鬆的解釋,保障權利和自由。
(4)Attorney General of the Gambia v Jobe([1984] AC 689) 中,樞密院引用了法律的合憲性推定原則(presumption of constitutionality)。
(5)R v Sin Yau-ming ([1992]1 HKCLR 127),〈危機藥物條例〉違反人權法無罪推定原則。
Autonomy Asymmetry,
state power
在<選誰都差不多>,讀書可以開始何估量作者價值取向,在該章中,作者指民主﹑共和兩黨往往在趨向中間化,“差異雞毛蒜皮”,這些差異在書中指的是幹細胞研究和同性婚姻。本欄卻道雞毛蒜皮正好反映左右兩黨價值的反差。當然劉瑜亦有比較中美之間的差異,在 <哪怕只增百分之一的稅><比道德制高點更高的>< 上的記號>三個章節中,作者劉瑜抒發對內地地方公共財政﹑部份地方政府巧取豪奪,從而映襯出美國作為民主國家,對於公共財政﹑典章制度﹑吏治制度的純真。在意識型態的取捨中找到一個左右的公約數,劉小姐對中美兩國勞動階層似乎有比較深刻的體會,在<咱們美國工人有力量>﹑<怎樣保護弱勢群體>和<怎樣悼念死者>,中美兩國真正的意識型態差異﹑兩國文化的不同,剛好在兩地的勞動階層差天拱地的待遇顯示出來。而顯示出來的剛好都是兩國政治言辭的倒影。
劉瑜批評美國學界長毛喬娒斯基(Noam Chomsky)﹑褒揚美國葉劉庫特(Ann Coulter),抑奧巴馬挺麥凱恩,調侃美國自由派的政治正確為美式四個基本原則︰唯女人﹑唯少數族裔﹑唯同性戀﹑唯宗教人士屁股摸不得。在<控制石油的什麼>﹑<民主現實主義>﹑<美國的社會主義>,作者質疑美國軍工結合體發動戰爭的能耐,質疑私有化﹑市場化﹑全球化是否是美國新自由主義的全部,美國內部有無實行這些政策的底實,從而向讀者溫馨提示了華盛頓共識的虛與實。
正如劉瑜引用John Rawls<正義論>中無知之幕的比喻,如果讀者是對政治學左右是無知的,對自己的政治意識暫時失明,我會向你推介劉瑜的民主的細節。
香港 星島日報 九月一日
在<選誰都差不多>,讀書可以開始何估量作者價值取向,在該章中,作者指民主﹑共和兩黨往往在趨向中間化,“差異雞毛蒜皮”,這些差異在書中指的是幹細胞研究和同性婚姻。本欄卻道雞毛蒜皮正好反映左右兩黨價值的反差。當然劉瑜亦有比較中美之間的差異,在 <哪怕只增百分之一的稅><比道德制高點更高的>< 上的記號>三個章節中,作者劉瑜抒發對內地地方公共財政﹑部份地方政府巧取豪奪,從而映襯出美國作為民主國家,對於公共財政﹑典章制度﹑吏治制度的純真。在意識型態的取捨中找到一個左右的公約數,劉小姐對中美兩國勞動階層似乎有比較深刻的體會,在<咱們美國工人有力量>﹑<怎樣保護弱勢群體>和<怎樣悼念死者>,中美兩國真正的意識型態差異﹑兩國文化的不同,剛好在兩地的勞動階層差天拱地的待遇顯示出來。而顯示出來的剛好都是兩國政治言辭的倒影。
劉瑜批評美國學界長毛喬娒斯基(Noam Chomsky)﹑褒揚美國葉劉庫特(Ann Coulter),抑奧巴馬挺麥凱恩,調侃美國自由派的政治正確為美式四個基本原則︰唯女人﹑唯少數族裔﹑唯同性戀﹑唯宗教人士屁股摸不得。在<控制石油的什麼>﹑<民主現實主義>﹑<美國的社會主義>,作者質疑美國軍工結合體發動戰爭的能耐,質疑私有化﹑市場化﹑全球化是否是美國新自由主義的全部,美國內部有無實行這些政策的底實,從而向讀者溫馨提示了華盛頓共識的虛與實。
正如劉瑜引用John Rawls<正義論>中無知之幕的比喻,如果讀者是對政治學左右是無知的,對自己的政治意識暫時失明,我會向你推介劉瑜的民主的細節。
香港 星島日報 九月一日
此書係由幾名中國大陸的經濟及金融學家撰寫,再加上諾貝爾經濟學獎得主斯蒂格利茨(Joseph Stiglitz)就現今中國經濟下的藥方。總的來說,不管是體制內﹑體制外的專家學者都認同兩個事實,一.是國進民退,二.是體制問題︰中國經濟在現行的憲政環境下,發展並不健康。
作者上年同Roundtable去國家行政學院時就聽過某部委的官員指“國進民退”並不存在,認為是一個偽議題。”官進民退”,是關鍵在於現時中國經濟很大程度是來自政府投放的資金﹑四大銀行的貸款。正如其中一位作者耶魯大學大學教授陳志武所言,七萬億在金融海嘯後投放入市場,中國的經濟是要付出沉重代價的。民企的效益減低,銀行貸款大部份流向國有企業﹑大型民企﹑中央的款項流入俗稱 “鐵公基”的工程。款項不能為就業﹑市場經濟提升效率,反而令民企要戴上”紅帽子”,屬於體制外的天則研究所所長茅于軾更指,美國的金融海嘯對策目的是增加就業,國民生產總值的增長?—奧巴馬一個字都無提過。而太平洋的對岸,中國政府的重點在GDP的提承,就業反而次要。
茅于軾在書中不厭其煩﹑語重心長地說 : “民間不富﹑國家不富”,稅收改革 (應該指減免民企和個人入息稅)和國企私有化是目前經濟金融改革政策的要點。前者涉及中央與地方收入分配﹑後者則涉及社會敏感的賤賣國有資產﹑國有資產流失的問題,兩者都不易上馬。但兩者結合相信能解決社會主義市場經濟市場化不足﹑國企壟斷市場﹑民企沒有活力﹑市場仰賴政策等富有中國大陸特色的經濟問題。陳志武教授在書中有一個大膽的提議,老實說(筆者)我都曾經想過,因為這個建議香港都有。類似現時還運行中的盈富基金,在中國大陸要實行的話,是要將國企的公有股份﹑非市場化股份,賣給私人投資者,甚至分配給農民﹑農民工等低收入人仕。一次過解決中國經濟結構問題,如︰官進民退﹑貧富問題﹑民企不濟。從而,制約中央集權制下,行政部門權力過大﹑金融﹑財政力量集中在政府的問題,令到私有經濟得以重生。
(星島日報 26.08.2010)
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翻閱這本詞典,睇到發行商為了促進香港和大陸的溝通的誠意和苦心。不過偶有失諸交臂的時候,例如︰頁一已經誤將AO燉冬菇做行政主任。有些詞,對一個天天睇幾份報紙﹑熟悉港情的人都未必會聽過的用詞,例如︰暗室,一般人可能配詞做” 暗室政治”,同”黑箱政治”同義,詞典卻稱暗室是”情婦”。黑社會 “班馬”,詞典稱為”扯馬”﹑香港人習慣玩的”廿一點”,詞典卻稱”二十一點”﹑ 特首喜歡的”金銀膶”︰勞力士手錶,詞典指稱係較少人叫既”十蚊銀”的慣稱。最搞笑的莫過於是詞典將MC(司儀)同時賦予”女性月經”的意義﹑報章常用來形容老而疆堅的行業翹楚的”長春樹”,詞典叫做”青春樹’,又有一些從未聽過﹑或已經很久沒有在香港社會出現的詞,譬如︰香港九七前叫”太空人”來稱呼男人在港搵錢﹑女人在外地坐移民監的家庭模式,詞典叫做”香港蛙人”,還指是來自TVB的電視劇。可能筆者少睇電視劇,孤陋寡聞,從沒聽過。
星島日報 (18 August-2010)
拙作以《國社論》為名,當然不是國家社會主義的簡稱,實為「論國家社會關係」。國家者,包含民族(Nation)、國家/政府(State)、民族國家(Nation-state)等三重意義,三個概念你中有我、我中有你。中文的「國家」和「政府」概念,直翻為「State」往往 lost in translation。國家一詞是意識形態的產物,政府如果從馬克思的分析,更是統治機器、專政工具。
綜觀本書,亦反映筆者研究的脈絡,當年本科學生年代的興趣是民主化(Democratisation),從 Lipset、Huntington、Dahl 到 Diamond,可以說是應對了後天安門事件的一種心結。這個情懷,由 1989 年小六到大學一、二年級上莊一直未釋。始終對 Lipset, Huntington 到 Diamond 等國際經驗,未有特殊的依付,很有可能在在港大學生會的經歷(稱之為歷練似乎又有點言過其實),開始對基層的論述有更深的體會、對比較研究的方法學,產生懷疑。這個懷疑令我選擇了研究中國大陸公民社會的發展作為哲學碩士論文題目,Civil Society 的研究老實說書看得多,寫了一個蒙混過關的論文,當中真正讓我想稍為有同感的是 Antonio Gramsci。最後亦以 Hegemony 總括當代中國大陸國家社會關係。
國家社會關係 (State-Society Relationship)
公民社會理論,往往以自由主義思想為核心,國家社會作為二元對立,是零和遊戲(Zero-sum),英美的三權分立概念某程度上亦源自這個傳統,對國家的懷疑、對政府的提防,而這個傳統孕育出資本主義(可能互為因果)、出產了有限政府(Limited Government)。東方社會(姑且這裹指英國以東罷),從法國、德國、俄羅斯到中國,愈東社團主義(Corporatism)的傾向就愈強,當中當然是蘇聯和十一屆三中全會前的前的中華人民共和國國家控制的範圍最為囑目。而文化上,不計中國這個筆者認為的特例,法德俄又確實比美英的人民對市場持更懷疑的態度、「食皇糧」(Public Sector)的比例、人民對政府在個人生活、經濟生活的容忍都較高。
政治經濟(Political Economy)
在研究公民社會的時候,思考了文化對國家社會制度的影響。這個慢慢引領了到另一個理論,新制度主義(New Institutionalism)的領域。在探討中國文化對民主化的影響、從思考有無中國文化、有的話是何許模樣,以至解答中國文化、東亞特殊論的時候,新制度的文獻解答了部份答案。當文化論、新馬的論述無法單方面解釋中國的特殊性,新制度主義有這個想像力解答了為什麼中國既然難以管治、為何不行聯邦制?為什麼憲政暫時仍然不是中國領導人的選項?以至今天國內特殊國情衍生的「國家民族主義」、香港特殊的意識形態光譜、香港中產對自由主義的熱衷等等。
綜觀本書,亦反映筆者研究的脈絡,當年本科學生年代的興趣是民主化(Democratisation),從 Lipset、Huntington、Dahl 到 Diamond,可以說是應對了後天安門事件的一種心結。這個情懷,由 1989 年小六到大學一、二年級上莊一直未釋。始終對 Lipset, Huntington 到 Diamond 等國際經驗,未有特殊的依付,很有可能在在港大學生會的經歷(稱之為歷練似乎又有點言過其實),開始對基層的論述有更深的體會、對比較研究的方法學,產生懷疑。這個懷疑令我選擇了研究中國大陸公民社會的發展作為哲學碩士論文題目,Civil Society 的研究老實說書看得多,寫了一個蒙混過關的論文,當中真正讓我想稍為有同感的是 Antonio Gramsci。最後亦以 Hegemony 總括當代中國大陸國家社會關係。
國家社會關係 (State-Society Relationship)
公民社會理論,往往以自由主義思想為核心,國家社會作為二元對立,是零和遊戲(Zero-sum),英美的三權分立概念某程度上亦源自這個傳統,對國家的懷疑、對政府的提防,而這個傳統孕育出資本主義(可能互為因果)、出產了有限政府(Limited Government)。東方社會(姑且這裹指英國以東罷),從法國、德國、俄羅斯到中國,愈東社團主義(Corporatism)的傾向就愈強,當中當然是蘇聯和十一屆三中全會前的前的中華人民共和國國家控制的範圍最為囑目。而文化上,不計中國這個筆者認為的特例,法德俄又確實比美英的人民對市場持更懷疑的態度、「食皇糧」(Public Sector)的比例、人民對政府在個人生活、經濟生活的容忍都較高。
政治經濟(Political Economy)
在研究公民社會的時候,思考了文化對國家社會制度的影響。這個慢慢引領了到另一個理論,新制度主義(New Institutionalism)的領域。在探討中國文化對民主化的影響、從思考有無中國文化、有的話是何許模樣,以至解答中國文化、東亞特殊論的時候,新制度的文獻解答了部份答案。當文化論、新馬的論述無法單方面解釋中國的特殊性,新制度主義有這個想像力解答了為什麼中國既然難以管治、為何不行聯邦制?為什麼憲政暫時仍然不是中國領導人的選項?以至今天國內特殊國情衍生的「國家民族主義」、香港特殊的意識形態光譜、香港中產對自由主義的熱衷等等。
從一九七五年佛朗哥逝世至一九七八年,西班牙用了短短三年就成功由一個右派威權過渡至民主政體。在佛朗哥見證下成長的國王卡樂斯,成功將佛朗哥的威權制度和選舉機制透過立法轉型成憲政民主君主制度。國王在公開場合都開腔支持佛朗哥時代唯一的合法政黨國民陣線(前稱長槍黨),暗地卻傾向民主制度和價值觀。第一任首相Arias Navarro因未能說服佛朗哥分子接受政改方案,再加上示威﹑工潮﹑恐怖主義活動。Navarro 諳然下台,由擔當過國民陣線秘書長長達二十年的Gonzalez Suarez出任首相,當西班牙人民以為民主無望的時候,Suarez運用他在佛朗哥集團的網絡﹑政治經驗成功控制官僚系統,並且說服在議會內的佛朗哥黨人放棄國民陣線集團的功能組別議席。在一九七六年九月十日Suarez公佈政改計劃,宣佈普選產生的兩院;經過他的協調下,在當年十一月,國民陣線集團控制的議會通過議案,將有社團主義色彩味道的議會制度摒棄。
反對者在一九七六年一系列的秘密會議,成立了聯合陣線(Coordinacio´n Democra´tica)(普選聯?) 和政府達成共識。一九七七年四月九日Suarez在軍方大力反對下宣佈西班牙共產黨合法化,國王向軍方說之而情避免了軍方干政。而西班牙共產黨亦投桃報李,承認君主政體﹑放棄共和的訴求。對於馬克斯主義者來說,是極大的讓步。西班牙的左派政黨當年放棄推翻佛朗哥政權﹑建立第三共和的遠景,讓步比今天香港的反對政改方案者要大,但是當時的西共領導Santiago Carrillo毅然接受談判同支持君主政體(不要忘記他們是共產黨人﹗)。Santiago Carrillo就曾說 ‘It is time to pact with the system’。
沒有社會革命,沒有從下而上的社會運動推動的憲政改革是有限制的,但是憲制制約(君主制)和政治現實(佛朗哥支配了政權)的局限下,政治菁英如首相Suarez力求走出死胡同的嘗試,避免原地踏步甚至倒退至軍人干政﹑族群撕裂﹑左右雙派你死我活鬥爭的宿命,令政治﹑經濟改革胎死腹中。Moncloa Accord 直接促進了政治共識達至民主憲政。香港人要放棄美式公民社會的對抗性﹑競爭性﹑法國大革命式的浪漫,採取西班牙式協約民主,後六.二三的香港可以是西班牙的翻版。這個將會是中國近代政治改變中,是自一九一一年﹑一九四九年來的歷史突破。
從一九七五年佛朗哥逝世至一九七八年,西班牙用了短短三年就成功由一個右派威權過渡至民主政體。在佛朗哥見證下成長的國王卡樂斯,成功將佛朗哥的威權制度和選舉機制透過立法轉型成憲政民主君主制度。國王在公開場合都開腔支持佛朗哥時代唯一的合法政黨國民陣線(前稱長槍黨),暗地卻傾向民主制度和價值觀。第一任首相Arias Navarro因未能說服佛朗哥分子接受政改方案,再加上示威﹑工潮﹑恐怖主義活動。Navarro 諳然下台,由擔當過國民陣線秘書長長達二十年的Gonzalez Suarez出任首相,當西班牙人民以為民主無望的時候,Suarez運用他在佛朗哥集團的網絡﹑政治經驗成功控制官僚系統,並且說服在議會內的佛朗哥黨人放棄國民陣線集團的功能組別議席。在一九七六年九月十日Suarez公佈政改計劃,宣佈普選產生的兩院;經過他的協調下,在當年十一月,國民陣線集團控制的議會通過議案,將有社團主義色彩味道的議會制度摒棄。
反對者在一九七六年一系列的秘密會議,成立了聯合陣線(Coordinacio´n Democra´tica)(普選聯?) 和政府達成共識。一九七七年四月九日Suarez在軍方大力反對下宣佈西班牙共產黨合法化,國王向軍方說之而情避免了軍方干政。而西班牙共產黨亦投桃報李,承認君主政體﹑放棄共和的訴求。對於馬克斯主義者來說,是極大的讓步。西班牙的左派政黨當年放棄推翻佛朗哥政權﹑建立第三共和的遠景,讓步比今天香港的反對政改方案者要大,但是當時的西共領導Santiago Carrillo毅然接受談判同支持君主政體(不要忘記他們是共產黨人﹗)。Santiago Carrillo就曾說 ‘It is time to pact with the system’。
沒有社會革命,沒有從下而上的社會運動推動的憲政改革是有限制的,但是憲制制約(君主制)和政治現實(佛朗哥支配了政權)的局限下,政治菁英如首相Suarez力求走出死胡同的嘗試,避免原地踏步甚至倒退至軍人干政﹑族群撕裂﹑左右雙派你死我活鬥爭的宿命,令政治﹑經濟改革胎死腹中。Moncloa Accord 直接促進了政治共識達至民主憲政。香港人要放棄美式公民社會的對抗性﹑競爭性﹑法國大革命式的浪漫,採取西班牙式協約民主,後六.二三的香港可以是西班牙的翻版。這個將會是中國近代政治改變中,是自一九一一年﹑一九四九年來的歷史突破。
中國人實在有太多的學習歷史的心理包袱,在西方的社會科學術語中,有所謂的路徑依賴(path dependency)的概念。這個概念可以見諸於如︰馬國明君 廿七日明報《分秒必爭還是寸土必爭》﹑葉蔭聰君同日明報《何俊仁和他的時代分秒必爭還是寸土必爭》以至商台中國問題專家潘小濤廿三日都市日報《洞房前,為何不先擺喜酒簽婚書?》一文。
歷史的學習會限制制度的創新,中共近世的治國經驗﹑政策制訂的過程有不理性的過去,不能完全算在今天的領導層。當然從機構文化﹑組織行為上分析,歷史經驗確實可以作為參考,不過不能讓制度與政策結果都成為潛規則的囚徒(Prisoner of History),形成路徑依賴。筆者同幾位對中國近代歷史的認知無大差異,不過問題的關鍵是,是否需要慣性地﹑懶惰的將中國的政策制定過程用中共建黨﹑建政的的歷史脈絡(historical context)去引證中國政府的不信守承諾的歷史。這個定性能討好一向恐中﹑恐共因避秦南來的香港人,強化香港人對中國的不信任,對香港民主化亦無幫助。其實北京自九十年代,意識到國內政策制訂以及公務員制度有極大需要與國際接軌,開始與亞洲發展銀行等國際組織合作研究相應的行政改革,開始理性政策制訂﹑管治方式步向專業化、公開化、科學化的方向。況且從民主化理論的視角,協商比革命,更能鞏固民主,透過憲政手段﹑立法確定政治承諾,對於中國近代政治改變中,是自一九一一年﹑一九四九年來的歷史突破。
在Eric Hobsbawm 筆下的 The Age of Revolution (1789-1848),法國在十八世紀發生驚天動天的流血革命,統治階層因沒法解決初始工業化帶來的階級衝突,原有制度因此崩分離析。美式建國模式觸動當代的革命運動,法國大革命引發一系列大國秩序的重新洗牌,俄羅斯更於一戰後兩度爆發革命,兩度政權易手。
為憲政改革緩慢且要容忍原有統治階層繼續在議會篤眼篤鼻。透過和平手段﹑不用內戰或受到外國侵略來完成民主化的過程,在近世歷史中,以西班牙的經驗最為人樂道。在一九七五年後佛朗哥的協商民主化的過程中,當年後佛年代的第二任首相(Gonzalez Soarez)的政治手腕﹑西班牙共產黨的妥協可堪今天香港市民借鏡。
中國人實在有太多的學習歷史的心理包袱,在西方的社會科學術語中,有所謂的路徑依賴(path dependency)的概念。這個概念可以見諸於如︰馬國明君 廿七日明報《分秒必爭還是寸土必爭》﹑葉蔭聰君同日明報《何俊仁和他的時代分秒必爭還是寸土必爭》以至商台中國問題專家潘小濤廿三日都市日報《洞房前,為何不先擺喜酒簽婚書?》一文。
歷史的學習會限制制度的創新,中共近世的治國經驗﹑政策制訂的過程有不理性的過去,不能完全算在今天的領導層。當然從機構文化﹑組織行為上分析,歷史經驗確實可以作為參考,不過不能讓制度與政策結果都成為潛規則的囚徒(Prisoner of History),形成路徑依賴。筆者同幾位對中國近代歷史的認知無大差異,不過問題的關鍵是,是否需要慣性地﹑懶惰的將中國的政策制定過程用中共建黨﹑建政的的歷史脈絡(historical context)去引證中國政府的不信守承諾的歷史。這個定性能討好一向恐中﹑恐共因避秦南來的香港人,強化香港人對中國的不信任,對香港民主化亦無幫助。其實北京自九十年代,意識到國內政策制訂以及公務員制度有極大需要與國際接軌,開始與亞洲發展銀行等國際組織合作研究相應的行政改革,開始理性政策制訂﹑管治方式步向專業化、公開化、科學化的方向。況且從民主化理論的視角,協商比革命,更能鞏固民主,透過憲政手段﹑立法確定政治承諾,對於中國近代政治改變中,是自一九一一年﹑一九四九年來的歷史突破。
在Eric Hobsbawm 筆下的 The Age of Revolution (1789-1848),法國在十八世紀發生驚天動天的流血革命,統治階層因沒法解決初始工業化帶來的階級衝突,原有制度因此崩分離析。美式建國模式觸動當代的革命運動,法國大革命引發一系列大國秩序的重新洗牌,俄羅斯更於一戰後兩度爆發革命,兩度政權易手。
為憲政改革緩慢且要容忍原有統治階層繼續在議會篤眼篤鼻。透過和平手段﹑不用內戰或受到外國侵略來完成民主化的過程,在近世歷史中,以西班牙的經驗最為人樂道。在一九七五年後佛朗哥的協商民主化的過程中,當年後佛年代的第二任首相(Gonzalez Soarez)的政治手腕﹑西班牙共產黨的妥協可堪今天香港市民借鏡。
"I wanted to put a smile upon Chinese faces. Anything to take their minds off what was happening, was a good thing."
Remember Paris
Michael Chang reminisces about '89 French Open win, Tiananmen Square
By Kristin Green Morse, Si.com. (五月 21, 2004)
It's hard to believe it has been nearly 15 years since Chinese army tanks rolled through a student protest in Beijing's Tiananmen Square. The photograph of the lone man standing defiantly as military tanks crept toward him is ingrained on our collective memories. As the events progressed in China, one 17-year-old Chinese-American kid from Southern California was playing tennis in Paris and doing his best to give hope -- even just a little -- to Chinese citizens throughout the world.
The events in Beijing weighed heavily upon Michael Chang and his parents, Joe and Betty. After a day of tennis at the French Open they would return to their hotel and watch events unfold in China on CNN. "My heart was breaking," says Chang, 32. "I wanted to put a smile upon Chinese faces. Anything to take their minds off what was happening, was a good thing."
Tanks entered Tiananmen Square on Saturday, June 3, 1989. Two days later, 15th-seeded Chang took on top-seeded Ivan Lendl, a three-time French Open champion, on Center Court at Roland Garros. It was the round of 16 at the French, and no one gave Chang much of a chance. Those who did believe in him certainly lost hope once Lendl, 29 at the time, won the first two sets 6-4, 6-4. Suddenly, the momentum shifted. Chang won the next two sets by resorting to the dreaded moonball, topspin lob strategy to disrupt Lendl's rhythm.
At the outset of the fifth, though, the kid's legs started to cramp. Looking back, Chang remembers he was thisclose to retiring at 2-2 in the fifth. He even started to walk to the service box to tell Lendl and the umpire that he could not go on. "But for some reason, my heart said, 'Don't do it,'" says Chang. "The Lord was telling me that this match was not about winning or losing. My goal was to finish the race."
A deeply religious person, Chang believes that a higher power helped him persevere through the cramps and dehydration and willed him to victory over Lendl. After a four-hour, 38-minute match, Lendl -- visibly distracted by his opponent's decision to stand within a few feet of the service line to return serve -- double-faulted on match point. Chang fell to the dirt and cried. It would be the first of only two times in his career that he shed tears on a tennis court. (The other time was his final French Open match last year after he lost to Frenchman Fabrice Santoro in the first round.)
When Chang reminisces about his lone Grand Slam victory, his first instinct is to talk about the Lendl match, not the final against Stefan Edberg. " Lendl set the tone, for sure," says Chang. "That match taught me to fight to the end."
Chang went on to beat Ronald Agenor and Andre Chesnokov before finally eliminating Edberg in five sets in the final.
In much the same way a nominated actor arrives to an awards ceremony with prepared words, Chang showed up to the final with notes for his post-match stadium interview. "I didn't want to be thinking about my speech during the match," says Chang. "I planned to share a little about China regardless of whether I won or lost." And although some in the French crowd booed as Chang credited the Lord for leading him to victory, the determined teen said what he wanted to say: "God bless each and every one of you, especially China."
Chang retired from tennis last year at the U.S. Open, an event overshadowed by the retirement extravaganza for Pete Sampras. The U.S. Open was important to Chang -- it was where he started his career at age 15 and it was where he wanted to end it. "It was special for me to address the crowd one last time," he says. "And to say thank you to Pete, Andre [Agassi] and Jim [Courier]."
政局筆記 HKEJ 5th June 2010 江麗芬
張德培 法網六四
他說:「我經常對朋友說,上帝是要我贏得一九八九年的法國網球錦標賽……希望可以讓世界上不同角落的中國人臉上再展露一點微笑,因為那時候的中國民族實在難展歡顏。(… and be able to put a smile upon the Chinese people's face around the world during a time where there's not a whole lot of smile for Chinese race.)」像張德培那樣對六四未忘的有多少人?答案該是很多、很多。至少在香港,從昨晚維園那十五萬點燭光可以見到,六四距今二十一年,還有不少人是未敢忘記、不會忘記。翻看中國民主運動資料中心編印的《八九中國民運報章廣告專輯》,從那一個又一個悲憤廣告可以見到當時香港人對於內地參與民運學生的同情以至對北京當局鎮壓的憤怒。
Michael Chang reminisces about '89 French Open win, Tiananmen Square
By Kristin Green Morse, Si.com. (五月 21, 2004)
It's hard to believe it has been nearly 15 years since Chinese army tanks rolled through a student protest in Beijing's Tiananmen Square. The photograph of the lone man standing defiantly as military tanks crept toward him is ingrained on our collective memories. As the events progressed in China, one 17-year-old Chinese-American kid from Southern California was playing tennis in Paris and doing his best to give hope -- even just a little -- to Chinese citizens throughout the world.
The events in Beijing weighed heavily upon Michael Chang and his parents, Joe and Betty. After a day of tennis at the French Open they would return to their hotel and watch events unfold in China on CNN. "My heart was breaking," says Chang, 32. "I wanted to put a smile upon Chinese faces. Anything to take their minds off what was happening, was a good thing."
Tanks entered Tiananmen Square on Saturday, June 3, 1989. Two days later, 15th-seeded Chang took on top-seeded Ivan Lendl, a three-time French Open champion, on Center Court at Roland Garros. It was the round of 16 at the French, and no one gave Chang much of a chance. Those who did believe in him certainly lost hope once Lendl, 29 at the time, won the first two sets 6-4, 6-4. Suddenly, the momentum shifted. Chang won the next two sets by resorting to the dreaded moonball, topspin lob strategy to disrupt Lendl's rhythm.
At the outset of the fifth, though, the kid's legs started to cramp. Looking back, Chang remembers he was thisclose to retiring at 2-2 in the fifth. He even started to walk to the service box to tell Lendl and the umpire that he could not go on. "But for some reason, my heart said, 'Don't do it,'" says Chang. "The Lord was telling me that this match was not about winning or losing. My goal was to finish the race."
A deeply religious person, Chang believes that a higher power helped him persevere through the cramps and dehydration and willed him to victory over Lendl. After a four-hour, 38-minute match, Lendl -- visibly distracted by his opponent's decision to stand within a few feet of the service line to return serve -- double-faulted on match point. Chang fell to the dirt and cried. It would be the first of only two times in his career that he shed tears on a tennis court. (The other time was his final French Open match last year after he lost to Frenchman Fabrice Santoro in the first round.)
When Chang reminisces about his lone Grand Slam victory, his first instinct is to talk about the Lendl match, not the final against Stefan Edberg. " Lendl set the tone, for sure," says Chang. "That match taught me to fight to the end."
Chang went on to beat Ronald Agenor and Andre Chesnokov before finally eliminating Edberg in five sets in the final.
In much the same way a nominated actor arrives to an awards ceremony with prepared words, Chang showed up to the final with notes for his post-match stadium interview. "I didn't want to be thinking about my speech during the match," says Chang. "I planned to share a little about China regardless of whether I won or lost." And although some in the French crowd booed as Chang credited the Lord for leading him to victory, the determined teen said what he wanted to say: "God bless each and every one of you, especially China."
Chang retired from tennis last year at the U.S. Open, an event overshadowed by the retirement extravaganza for Pete Sampras. The U.S. Open was important to Chang -- it was where he started his career at age 15 and it was where he wanted to end it. "It was special for me to address the crowd one last time," he says. "And to say thank you to Pete, Andre [Agassi] and Jim [Courier]."
政局筆記 HKEJ 5th June 2010 江麗芬
張德培 法網六四
他說:「我經常對朋友說,上帝是要我贏得一九八九年的法國網球錦標賽……希望可以讓世界上不同角落的中國人臉上再展露一點微笑,因為那時候的中國民族實在難展歡顏。(… and be able to put a smile upon the Chinese people's face around the world during a time where there's not a whole lot of smile for Chinese race.)」像張德培那樣對六四未忘的有多少人?答案該是很多、很多。至少在香港,從昨晚維園那十五萬點燭光可以見到,六四距今二十一年,還有不少人是未敢忘記、不會忘記。翻看中國民主運動資料中心編印的《八九中國民運報章廣告專輯》,從那一個又一個悲憤廣告可以見到當時香港人對於內地參與民運學生的同情以至對北京當局鎮壓的憤怒。
麗都美識 By 陳頌紅
麗都美識 By 陳頌紅
Theda Skocpol is correct!!!
How Democracy Has Failed Thailand's Poor
As gun battles raged, killing dozens on the streets of Bangkok these past few days, it has become increasingly painful to remember that just over a decade ago, Thailand seemed the most stable and modern democracy in Southeast Asia. Thais boasted a new, liberal constitution and the first freedom-of-information law in the region. The Thai press was self-assured and free, and local nongovernmental organizations were preaching the gospel of democracy and human rights to their neighbors.
As a Filipino journalist traveling to Thailand in the second half of the 1990s, I marveled at the confidence of Thai politicians, activists and journalists. They saw themselves at the crest of the democratic wave sweeping Southeast Asia, especially after the fall of Suharto in Indonesia in 1998. Filipinos felt the same way: Having ousted dictator Ferdinand Marcos in 1986, they considered themselves the pioneers of democracy in the region.
How things have changed. Today Thailand and the Philippines demonstrate democratic decay rather than renewal; the optimism of the 1990s is now a mirage. Since then, these two countries have been shaken by corruption scandals, antigovernment conspiracies and violent mass protests staged by followers of populist and anti-democratic leaders.
The problems are rooted in the contradictions of the democratic enterprise. In the Philippines and Thailand, democracy has largely been an elite and middle-class project. In 1986, Filipino businesspeople, lawyers, teachers and university students joined nuns and priests as they prayed in front of tanks manned by soldiers loyal to Marcos. The troops refused to fire, forcing Marcos and his family to flee the country.
In Thailand in 1992, well-off protesters used mobile phones to coordinate massive demonstrations against army commander Gen. Suchinda Kraprayoon, the leader of a military coup that had ousted the civilian government. The protests were brutally crushed, prompting the king to intervene, thereby ending the violence and paving the way for the return to civilian rule.
These two events showed the potency of out-of-power elites and a politicized middle class straining at the leash of authoritarian rule. The urban pro-democracy movements led by the educated and affluent set the stage for the enactment of new constitutions guaranteeing civil liberties, competitive elections and other reforms.
Those who were relatively well-off in the cities benefited from the democratic space. But they failed to institute a more inclusive politics, and now both countries have higher levels of income inequality than Indonesia and Malaysia.
It was really only a matter of time before populist politicians came along — Thailand’s Thaksin Shinawatra and the Philippines’ Joseph Estrada — and tapped into the growing resentment among the poor, who were denied a seat at democracy’s table. They were elected by landslides because they appealed to the poor.
Both men were eventually ousted from power through undemocratic means. Reeling from corruption scandals, Estrada fell in a second “people power” revolt in Manila in 2001, just halfway through his term. Thaksin hung on a while longer but was overthrown in a military coup in 2006.
Today there is an impasse on the streets of Bangkok. Thaksin’s Red Shirt followers are using the weapon of mass protest that the elites now in power wielded in 1992 — and again, a decade later, in their attempts to oust Thaksin. The future of Thai democracy seems precarious. Neither side will accept elections or street protests as the ultimate arbiter of who gets to run the country.
In the Philippines, electoralism has triumphed. Benigno Aquino III will soon assume the presidency. Estrada has chosen to contest power through the polls. He polled second to Aquino, but his populist vice-presidential running mate — Makati City Mayor Jejomar Binay — appears to be winning.
If he does, then the country will have a president from the hacienda and a vice president from the slums. The former is an untested political heir; the latter, an Uzi-wielding local boss — as good an indication as any of the electoral choices Filipinos have.
Forty years ago the president-elect’s father, then-Senator Benigno Aquino Jr, famously said: “The Philippines is a social volcano.” One need look no further than Congress and local governments to understand what he meant. Today, a few hundred families control elective posts. Some of them, like the new president’s own clan, have been in power for four generations.
For the poor in the Philippines and Thailand, democracy has not meant liberation. It was simply the new face of domination.
The crisis in Thailand and the recent election in the Philippines offer fresh opportunities for renewal. Both countries need a new social contract, one that guarantees what democracy has thus far failed to provide: a voice for the majority of citizens and accountability for those who wield power.
Sheila S Coronel
South China Morning Post May 20, 2010
Theda Skocpol is correct!!!
In terms of long term impact, her emphasis of the importance of the state (visible in the very title of the book) and (that's one of the crucial points Skocpol differs from Marx) the conception of the state as an independent actor within society and partially autonomous from other interests has been important in shaping later thought in political science.
The book is structured as a comparative historical analysis of the French Revolution of 1789 through the early 1800s, the Russian Revolution of 1917 through the 1930s, and the Chinese Revolution of 1911 through the 1960s. Skocpol argues that these three cases, spread over about a century and a half, are fundamentally similar instances. By analyzing how the social institution of the state changed and influenced the social change, the book can also be placed within the historical institutionalism paradigm.
Rich-poor divide underpins Thai crisis By Kevin Voigt, CNN
(CNN) -- A rift between Bangkok's economic elite and the growing clout of Thailand's rural poor is feeding a unique divide in a country that is no stranger to political turmoil.
"We have had conflicts in 1973, 1976 and 1992, but this is unlike anything we've seen before," said Sukhumbhand Paribatra, the governor of Bangkok, as government troops moved on the area near the city's business district where thousands of protesters have been encamped since March. "Those conflicts were more political, but here they go right into the heart of society."
Past divisions where more a clash of political personalities than a class division, said Paul Quaglia, a former CIA officer and head of PSA Asia, a Bangkok-based security firm. Access to affordable telecommunications across Thailand also is helping transform the nature of this conflict.
"It's impossible to overstate how important the ability of the rural poor to communicate beyond government censors has been in this protest," Quaglia said. "Everyone has cell phones, everyone has access to the Internet, to Twitter; the community radio stations in rural areas have been very active."
Moreover, the health of the nation's revered king has raised questions over the future role of the monarchy in Thailand, Quaglia said.
King Bhumibol Adulyadej, 82, has been hospitalized since September after complaining of fever and fatigue. King Bhumibol, the world's longest reigning monarch, wields little direct political power, but serves as a stabilizing force in Thai society. "We may be coming to a time when there is a sea change in the unofficial control the monarchy has on society," Quaglia said.
"It's becoming more about why 2 percent of the population gains 80 percent of the GDP," Quaglia said.
Class barriers and class differences are now at the heart of the conflict, the Bangkok governor told CNN.
"In Thailand, there is a great deal of social mobility, especially mobility upwards ... this is one of our strengths," Sukhumbhand said. "I think we have to go back to the traditional values of our society and build from the ruins we have witnessed today and are continuing to witness."
Indeed, the street scenes of dark smoke rising against the backdrop of tanks and gunfire is hard to reconcile with Thailand's reputation as the tolerant "land of smiles." The Southeast Asian nation draws millions of visitors to its pristine southern beaches and to tribal areas in the mountains north near the Laos and Myanmar border.
Thai Finance Minister Korn Chatikavanij told CNN that outside of the areas directly affected by the protests and military crackdown business continues in most of Thailand. However, he acknowledges the damage that the conflict has done to tourism, which accounts for just over 6 percent of the country's total economic output.
Many foreign companies have moved executives and their families out of the center of Bangkok and closer to the international airport in case they need to evacuate, said Quaglia, the security specialist.
There also has been a sell-off in Thai stocks by foreign investors. The Stock Exchange of Thailand closed after its morning session Wednesday due to the escalating conflict on Bangkok streets.
"Investor sentiment is shot," said Korn, the Thai finance minister. "However, our stock market is robust -- in fact, it went up yesterday (Tuesday)."
"Thailand is an open economy ... we will recover from this," Korn said. "The economics I'm less concerned about ... What I'm worried about is the political division and social division."
He said the government has done a poor job communicating all it has done to subsidize rural farmers, bolster education and increase the social safety net for aging citizens.
"This message has not been received sufficiently at the rural level -- the perception is that we haven't done enough for the rural poor, although the reality is something different," Korn said.
As gun battles raged, killing dozens on the streets of Bangkok these past few days, it has become increasingly painful to remember that just over a decade ago, Thailand seemed the most stable and modern democracy in Southeast Asia. Thais boasted a new, liberal constitution and the first freedom-of-information law in the region. The Thai press was self-assured and free, and local nongovernmental organizations were preaching the gospel of democracy and human rights to their neighbors.
As a Filipino journalist traveling to Thailand in the second half of the 1990s, I marveled at the confidence of Thai politicians, activists and journalists. They saw themselves at the crest of the democratic wave sweeping Southeast Asia, especially after the fall of Suharto in Indonesia in 1998. Filipinos felt the same way: Having ousted dictator Ferdinand Marcos in 1986, they considered themselves the pioneers of democracy in the region.
How things have changed. Today Thailand and the Philippines demonstrate democratic decay rather than renewal; the optimism of the 1990s is now a mirage. Since then, these two countries have been shaken by corruption scandals, antigovernment conspiracies and violent mass protests staged by followers of populist and anti-democratic leaders.
The problems are rooted in the contradictions of the democratic enterprise. In the Philippines and Thailand, democracy has largely been an elite and middle-class project. In 1986, Filipino businesspeople, lawyers, teachers and university students joined nuns and priests as they prayed in front of tanks manned by soldiers loyal to Marcos. The troops refused to fire, forcing Marcos and his family to flee the country.
In Thailand in 1992, well-off protesters used mobile phones to coordinate massive demonstrations against army commander Gen. Suchinda Kraprayoon, the leader of a military coup that had ousted the civilian government. The protests were brutally crushed, prompting the king to intervene, thereby ending the violence and paving the way for the return to civilian rule.
These two events showed the potency of out-of-power elites and a politicized middle class straining at the leash of authoritarian rule. The urban pro-democracy movements led by the educated and affluent set the stage for the enactment of new constitutions guaranteeing civil liberties, competitive elections and other reforms.
Those who were relatively well-off in the cities benefited from the democratic space. But they failed to institute a more inclusive politics, and now both countries have higher levels of income inequality than Indonesia and Malaysia.
It was really only a matter of time before populist politicians came along — Thailand’s Thaksin Shinawatra and the Philippines’ Joseph Estrada — and tapped into the growing resentment among the poor, who were denied a seat at democracy’s table. They were elected by landslides because they appealed to the poor.
Both men were eventually ousted from power through undemocratic means. Reeling from corruption scandals, Estrada fell in a second “people power” revolt in Manila in 2001, just halfway through his term. Thaksin hung on a while longer but was overthrown in a military coup in 2006.
Today there is an impasse on the streets of Bangkok. Thaksin’s Red Shirt followers are using the weapon of mass protest that the elites now in power wielded in 1992 — and again, a decade later, in their attempts to oust Thaksin. The future of Thai democracy seems precarious. Neither side will accept elections or street protests as the ultimate arbiter of who gets to run the country.
In the Philippines, electoralism has triumphed. Benigno Aquino III will soon assume the presidency. Estrada has chosen to contest power through the polls. He polled second to Aquino, but his populist vice-presidential running mate — Makati City Mayor Jejomar Binay — appears to be winning.
If he does, then the country will have a president from the hacienda and a vice president from the slums. The former is an untested political heir; the latter, an Uzi-wielding local boss — as good an indication as any of the electoral choices Filipinos have.
Forty years ago the president-elect’s father, then-Senator Benigno Aquino Jr, famously said: “The Philippines is a social volcano.” One need look no further than Congress and local governments to understand what he meant. Today, a few hundred families control elective posts. Some of them, like the new president’s own clan, have been in power for four generations.
For the poor in the Philippines and Thailand, democracy has not meant liberation. It was simply the new face of domination.
The crisis in Thailand and the recent election in the Philippines offer fresh opportunities for renewal. Both countries need a new social contract, one that guarantees what democracy has thus far failed to provide: a voice for the majority of citizens and accountability for those who wield power.
Sheila S Coronel
South China Morning Post May 20, 2010
Theda Skocpol is correct!!!
In terms of long term impact, her emphasis of the importance of the state (visible in the very title of the book) and (that's one of the crucial points Skocpol differs from Marx) the conception of the state as an independent actor within society and partially autonomous from other interests has been important in shaping later thought in political science.
The book is structured as a comparative historical analysis of the French Revolution of 1789 through the early 1800s, the Russian Revolution of 1917 through the 1930s, and the Chinese Revolution of 1911 through the 1960s. Skocpol argues that these three cases, spread over about a century and a half, are fundamentally similar instances. By analyzing how the social institution of the state changed and influenced the social change, the book can also be placed within the historical institutionalism paradigm.
Rich-poor divide underpins Thai crisis By Kevin Voigt, CNN
(CNN) -- A rift between Bangkok's economic elite and the growing clout of Thailand's rural poor is feeding a unique divide in a country that is no stranger to political turmoil.
"We have had conflicts in 1973, 1976 and 1992, but this is unlike anything we've seen before," said Sukhumbhand Paribatra, the governor of Bangkok, as government troops moved on the area near the city's business district where thousands of protesters have been encamped since March. "Those conflicts were more political, but here they go right into the heart of society."
Past divisions where more a clash of political personalities than a class division, said Paul Quaglia, a former CIA officer and head of PSA Asia, a Bangkok-based security firm. Access to affordable telecommunications across Thailand also is helping transform the nature of this conflict.
"It's impossible to overstate how important the ability of the rural poor to communicate beyond government censors has been in this protest," Quaglia said. "Everyone has cell phones, everyone has access to the Internet, to Twitter; the community radio stations in rural areas have been very active."
Moreover, the health of the nation's revered king has raised questions over the future role of the monarchy in Thailand, Quaglia said.
King Bhumibol Adulyadej, 82, has been hospitalized since September after complaining of fever and fatigue. King Bhumibol, the world's longest reigning monarch, wields little direct political power, but serves as a stabilizing force in Thai society. "We may be coming to a time when there is a sea change in the unofficial control the monarchy has on society," Quaglia said.
"It's becoming more about why 2 percent of the population gains 80 percent of the GDP," Quaglia said.
Class barriers and class differences are now at the heart of the conflict, the Bangkok governor told CNN.
"In Thailand, there is a great deal of social mobility, especially mobility upwards ... this is one of our strengths," Sukhumbhand said. "I think we have to go back to the traditional values of our society and build from the ruins we have witnessed today and are continuing to witness."
Indeed, the street scenes of dark smoke rising against the backdrop of tanks and gunfire is hard to reconcile with Thailand's reputation as the tolerant "land of smiles." The Southeast Asian nation draws millions of visitors to its pristine southern beaches and to tribal areas in the mountains north near the Laos and Myanmar border.
Thai Finance Minister Korn Chatikavanij told CNN that outside of the areas directly affected by the protests and military crackdown business continues in most of Thailand. However, he acknowledges the damage that the conflict has done to tourism, which accounts for just over 6 percent of the country's total economic output.
Many foreign companies have moved executives and their families out of the center of Bangkok and closer to the international airport in case they need to evacuate, said Quaglia, the security specialist.
There also has been a sell-off in Thai stocks by foreign investors. The Stock Exchange of Thailand closed after its morning session Wednesday due to the escalating conflict on Bangkok streets.
"Investor sentiment is shot," said Korn, the Thai finance minister. "However, our stock market is robust -- in fact, it went up yesterday (Tuesday)."
"Thailand is an open economy ... we will recover from this," Korn said. "The economics I'm less concerned about ... What I'm worried about is the political division and social division."
He said the government has done a poor job communicating all it has done to subsidize rural farmers, bolster education and increase the social safety net for aging citizens.
"This message has not been received sufficiently at the rural level -- the perception is that we haven't done enough for the rural poor, although the reality is something different," Korn said.
The Second Most Important Job 與 一個七十前財相
"I have been privileged to learn much about the very best in human nature and a fair amount too about its frailties, including my own.
As I leave the second most important job I could ever hold, I cherish even more the first - as a husband and father. Thank you and goodbye.
"Above all, it was a privilege to serve. And yes, I loved the job not for its prestige, its titles and its ceremony - which I do not love at all. No, I loved the job for its potential to make this country I love fairer, more tolerant, more green, more democratic, more prosperous and more just - truly a greater Britain.
就是離別過 就是懷念過 便清楚愛怎出錯
便清楚你真的愛我 但往日我很傻
就是常做錯 就是求自我 未珍惜身邊一個
在此生再不想錯過 從年月裡 能全部看清楚由始至終 只有你一位 難以代替 愛得多仔細
靜看著對方無言語 仍然是覺安慰
明天世間 怎去作估計 和你默契 愛一生一世
是你令人生能完美 誰人及你 等於我一切

Asked whether or not he would be willing to sack a close colleague such as Osborne, Cameron stated, "With George, the answer is yes. He stayed in my shadow cabinet not because he is a friend, not because we are godfathers to each other's children but because he is the right person to do the job. I know and he knows that if that was not the case he would not be there."
Here is the final verdict: Duffy is a bigot!
Brown invited me to No 10 - but he won't be there
Isabel Oakeshott Deputy Political Editor
514 Words
02 May 2010
The Sunday Times
THE WOMAN labelled a "bigot" by Gordon Brown has told how he desperately appealed for her forgiveness in a 45-minute private meeting in her home. Gillian Duffy, the pensioner whose chance encounter with the prime minister on the campaign trail in Rochdale plunged Labour's election campaign into turmoil, says Brown invited her to visit him and his wife Sarah in No 10 in an attempt to make amends.
He went to her house after he was recorded dismissing her as "just a sort of bigoted woman" when he accidentally left a microphone on his lapel after getting into his car. His insult followed an apparently amiable public exchange with the pensioner, during which she questioned him about immigration.
Of his offer for her to visit Downing Street, she says: "I didn't like to say it, but all I could think was, 'I don't think you'll be there'."
In an interview in The Mail on Sunday published today, Duffy reveals how she refused repeated entreaties from the prime minister and his aides to pose with him on her doorstep for a photograph showing them shaking hands. She paints a picture of a premier shellshocked by the enormity of his blunder, which plunged Labour's beleaguered election campaign into total disarray on the eve of the final televised leaders' debate last week.
She tells how he asked her whether she had a family despite having discussed her grandchildren during their public exchange less than an hour earlier. Apparently rambling and confused, he also asked if she had met his wife, who was not accompanying him that day.
Duffy was a lifelong Labour voter, but says she will not vote on Thursday. In a blistering attack on the premier, she says: "I'm sorry for you, Gordon, because you have more to lose than me. I'm very sorry that this has happened but it's you who's going to lose out, not me."
Duffy says she was more hurt by being labelled a "woman" as opposed to a "lady" than being called a bigot, and attacks the difference between Brown's public and private persona exposed by their pavement conversation.
"He was smiling when he spoke to me but he was thinking that. What else is he thinking when he smiles?"
Brown's disastrous gaffe came after Labour spin doctors decided he needed to spend more time meeting "real" voters on the campaign trail. It followed Tory criticisms that the prime minister was "being moved from safe house to safe house under armed guard" to prevent potentially difficult encounters with disillusioned voters.
However, Duffy says: "If you're going to go and talk to people, you should have answers, shouldn't you? You don't just go there and shake their hands and tell them how well they're doing. All I did was ask questions. Does that make me a bigot?" Duffy: rejected Brown's pleas
Isabel Oakeshott Deputy Political Editor
514 Words
02 May 2010
The Sunday Times
THE WOMAN labelled a "bigot" by Gordon Brown has told how he desperately appealed for her forgiveness in a 45-minute private meeting in her home. Gillian Duffy, the pensioner whose chance encounter with the prime minister on the campaign trail in Rochdale plunged Labour's election campaign into turmoil, says Brown invited her to visit him and his wife Sarah in No 10 in an attempt to make amends.
He went to her house after he was recorded dismissing her as "just a sort of bigoted woman" when he accidentally left a microphone on his lapel after getting into his car. His insult followed an apparently amiable public exchange with the pensioner, during which she questioned him about immigration.
Of his offer for her to visit Downing Street, she says: "I didn't like to say it, but all I could think was, 'I don't think you'll be there'."
In an interview in The Mail on Sunday published today, Duffy reveals how she refused repeated entreaties from the prime minister and his aides to pose with him on her doorstep for a photograph showing them shaking hands. She paints a picture of a premier shellshocked by the enormity of his blunder, which plunged Labour's beleaguered election campaign into total disarray on the eve of the final televised leaders' debate last week.
She tells how he asked her whether she had a family despite having discussed her grandchildren during their public exchange less than an hour earlier. Apparently rambling and confused, he also asked if she had met his wife, who was not accompanying him that day.
Duffy was a lifelong Labour voter, but says she will not vote on Thursday. In a blistering attack on the premier, she says: "I'm sorry for you, Gordon, because you have more to lose than me. I'm very sorry that this has happened but it's you who's going to lose out, not me."
Duffy says she was more hurt by being labelled a "woman" as opposed to a "lady" than being called a bigot, and attacks the difference between Brown's public and private persona exposed by their pavement conversation.
"He was smiling when he spoke to me but he was thinking that. What else is he thinking when he smiles?"
Brown's disastrous gaffe came after Labour spin doctors decided he needed to spend more time meeting "real" voters on the campaign trail. It followed Tory criticisms that the prime minister was "being moved from safe house to safe house under armed guard" to prevent potentially difficult encounters with disillusioned voters.
However, Duffy says: "If you're going to go and talk to people, you should have answers, shouldn't you? You don't just go there and shake their hands and tell them how well they're doing. All I did was ask questions. Does that make me a bigot?" Duffy: rejected Brown's pleas
Is Nice Clegg a True Liberal?
Nick Clegg has had sex with 'no more' than 30
UK's JFK?!
The Daily Telegraph 01 Apr 2008
Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has spoken unusually frankly about his romantic past, admitting to sleeping with "no more than 30" women and revealing how he fell in love at first sight with wife Miriam.
In a no-holds-barred interview with magazine GQ, Mr Clegg recalled being "pretty gobsmacked" on first meeting the Spanish senator's daughter when they were both studying in Belgium.
After first wooing her in French, he learnt to speak Spanish for her sake, he said.
Pressed to reveal more, the Lib Dem leader said he had been in love twice before meeting his wife - once in an "unrequited" passion and once with a childhood sweetheart - but "definitely" regarded her as the love of his life.
And he went on to respond to a series of increasingly personal questions from interviewer Piers Morgan, who asked whether he saw himself as "good in bed".
"I don't think I am particularly brilliant or particularly bad," said the Lib Dem leader.
"Since the only judge of that is my wife..."
Mr Morgan insisted that there had been other women in his life and he replied: "Yes OK, well, not for a very long time."
When Morgan asked to know how many, Mr Clegg attempted to brush off the question by answering: "Not a list as long as yours, I'm sure".
But the interviewer would not be deflected, asking: "How many are we talking: 10, 20, 30?" "No more than 30," replied Mr Clegg.
"It's a lot less than that."
PM: "Ever had any complaints?"
NC: "Oh God yes, of course."
PM: "What would your wife say?"
NC: "I think she'd be very content and happy."
PM: "Would you ever be unfaithful to her?"
NC: "I certainly hope not."
Remembering his first meeting with Miriam, he said: "We were at the same college in Belgium. She was leaning against a wall outside an induction lecture, and that was that...
"I was pretty gobsmacked when I first saw her... Her English was rubbish and my Spanish non-existent. So we got by in French for a bit but then I learnt Spanish."
Mr Clegg is not the first politician to be subjected to a grilling on his personal life by GQ.
Former Conservative leader William Hague famously told the magazine in 2000 that he drank as many as 14 pints of beer a day while delivering drink to pubs in a student holiday job.
The Lib Dem leader was asked about his own alcohol intake, and said he did not drink every day and was last drunk "probably last summer... drinking wine with my family in France".
The alcoholism of his predecessor Charles Kennedy was "very difficult and unpleasant, for him and the party", said Mr Clegg, who said it would be "pretty hard" to run the country as an alcoholic.
A lot less than 30 is how many?
05 April 2008
The Daily Telegraph
Calculators at the ready, and no conferring. It would take a skilled mathematician to work out what exactly Nick Clegg meant by "a lot less than 30''. Obviously 29 could never be called a lot less than 30; I'd say that 25, though less than 30, could not be termed a lot less. To my mind, the highest figure that could nevertheless be called a lot less than 30 is 24. But then one is also a lot less than 30, and so, too, is zero. But I don't suppose zero is an option, as Nick Clegg is married with children.
You know that a week has been uneventful when the news that the leader of the Liberal Democrats has admitted sleeping with "a lot less'' than 30 women is given its own headline. Paddy Ashdown became known to one and all as Paddy Pantsdown after admitting sleeping with less than three women, but more than one; now it seems that Nick Clegg will be known for the rest of his life as Nick Cleggover. At least we never had to come to terms with Sir Fling Campbell.
Every now and then, one famous person or another makes news by totting up his conquests and boasting about the score. In 1977, the Belgian crime writer Georges Simenon announced: "I did the sum a year or two ago and, since the age of 13?, I have had 10,000 women.'' As he was 74 at the time, this gave him an unlikely average of a different woman every day for 60 years.
If he was telling the truth, Simenon makes the Romanian tennis ace Ilie Nastase seem monastic. In his autobiography, Nastase wrote: "I think I've slept with 2,500 women.'' A year or two ago, the high-waisted TV personality Simon Cowell claimed in an interview: "I've had between 70 and 100 women, if I were to hazard a guess.'' Meanwhile, in his bumptious autobiography, The Living Legend, the chirpy DJ Tony Blackburn boasted: "Sex is very important to me. I adore making love. I've made love to about 250 women.'' All in all, Nick Clegg has a lot of catching up to do. You may attempt to argue that leaders of the main political parties and Tony Blackburn have different aims and values, but there you would be wrong. There is in fact an intriguing love-line, detailed in the invaluable 1987 reference book Who's Had Who, that links President Reagan with Tony Blackburn in just eight bed-hops.
For your interest, the chain goes Ronald Reagan - Nancy Reagan - Clark Gable - Ava Gardner - Frank Sinatra - Carol White - Richard O'Sullivan - Tessa Wyatt - Tony Blackburn. (Incidentally, another chain linking high politics to low pop goes like this: Eva Peron - Porfiro Rubirosa - Ava Gardner - Sir Gordon White - Vanessa Llewellyn - Dai Llewellyn - Tessa Dahl - Peter Sellers - Britt Ekland - Les McKeown of The Bay City Rollers.)
Generally speaking, politicians like to underestimate their conquests, while showbiz and arts figures prefer to overestimate them. The only exception is Jimmy Carter who decided to give an interview to Playboy just before the 1976 presidential election so as to jazz up his rather goody-goody Baptist image. "I've looked on a lot of women with lust,'' he confided, just as the interview was winding down. "I've committed adultery in my heart many times. This is something that God recognises I will do - and I have done it - and God forgives me for it.'' The admission (or was it a strange sort of boast?) seemed to pay off, as two weeks later Carter was elected President.
Other presidents have taken the more traditional less-than-two-but-more-than-none route, even when their truer total might have run to double or even triple figures. "Move over, this is your president,'' LBJ said, a mite bullishly, having entered the bedroom of a female aide at his ranch in Texas.
When Kennedy became President in 1961, an aide predicted, "This administration is going to do for sex what the last one did for golf'' - and so it transpired. There are obviously many possible bed-hopping lines to be traced to and from JFK, but one of the most colourful goes: JFK - Marilyn Monroe - Frank Sinatra - Jill St John - Robert Wagner - Natalie Wood - Warren Beatty - Joan Collins - Ryan O'Neal - Farrah Fawcett Majors - Sylvester Stallone.
The only prime ministerial chain that Britain can offer in competition is, it must be admitted, somewhat pitiful, with just two stops. It goes like this: John Major - Edwina Currie. At a stretch, it could, I suppose, be extended to three: John Major - Edwina Currie - Steve Norris, and then from "Shagger'' Norris to heaven-knows-where.
Mrs Currie has in the past suggested that she and Norris got together when they were sixth-form students in Liverpool, though Steve Norris rather ungallantly pooh-poohs the very idea. "For reasons best known to herself, Edwina has since chosen to suggest that our relationship was rather more developed'', he wrote in his 1996 autobiography. "She may, I suppose, have imagined a brief fumble under her school blouse behind St George's Hall to be an orgasmic experience, but I fear I was less impressed.'' Who are we to believe - Norris or Currie? There are some things that are too painful to contemplate. Either way, Edwina Currie and Steve Norris are a far cry from Marilyn Monroe and Jack Kennedy.
Now that Ken Livingstone has entered the fray, announcing that he has five children by three women, the question is raised: should we be any more interested in the sexual appetites of politicians than we are in the political appetites of sex symbols?
I doubt the news that Jordan voted for three different parties in five different elections would merit much of a headline. Yet whenever a politician claims to have had sex, we find ourselves eager to read on. Ten, 20, 30?
Do I hear an advance on 30? And how many children does that make? At the moment, only Ann Widdecombe is not prepared to join in the fun.
For too long, party fund-raising at the constituency level has been restricted to guessing the weight of a chocolate cake, or the number of boiled sweets contained in a glass jar. The Lib Dems could raise a small fortune by getting their members to place their bets on the exact number of their leader's sleepovers. If it really is more than 20 but "a lot less'' than 30, my fiver would be on 22, but who's to tell?
Lib Dem leader admits his pillow talk was all a bit of a distraction
15 April 2008
The Daily Telegraph
NICK Clegg expressed regret yesterday at discussing his prowess as a lover in an interview with a men's magazine.
Mr Clegg, who pledged when he became Liberal Democrat leader to make political life as "open and accessible'' as possible, was asked by Piers Morgan how many women he had slept with. "No more than 30,'' he replied.
After four months of trying to make an impact as leader of the third party Mr Clegg's claims in GQ magazine catapulted him into the limelight.
However, he conceded yesterday that he had attracted attention for all the wrong reasons. "If I have any regrets, it is that it serves as a distraction from the things that I passionately care about, which [are] that I think there are far too many families who are over-stretched [and] hard-pressed, [and] we don't yet have local authorities which are as environmental or as tough on crime and anti-social behaviour as I think we can be,'' he said.
In the interview, Mr Clegg gave a modest appraisal of his bedroom skills when he said: "I don't think I am particularly brilliant or particularly bad''. The remarks irritated Lib Dem MPs and heaped embarrassment on their leader, underline his inexperience. Mr Clegg, 41, who is married with a child, has been an MP since 2005.
In the ensuing furore, he was dubbed "Nick Cleggover'' by the tabloid press.

The Daily Telegraph 01 Apr 2008
Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has spoken unusually frankly about his romantic past, admitting to sleeping with "no more than 30" women and revealing how he fell in love at first sight with wife Miriam.
In a no-holds-barred interview with magazine GQ, Mr Clegg recalled being "pretty gobsmacked" on first meeting the Spanish senator's daughter when they were both studying in Belgium.
After first wooing her in French, he learnt to speak Spanish for her sake, he said.
Pressed to reveal more, the Lib Dem leader said he had been in love twice before meeting his wife - once in an "unrequited" passion and once with a childhood sweetheart - but "definitely" regarded her as the love of his life.
And he went on to respond to a series of increasingly personal questions from interviewer Piers Morgan, who asked whether he saw himself as "good in bed".
"I don't think I am particularly brilliant or particularly bad," said the Lib Dem leader.
"Since the only judge of that is my wife..."
Mr Morgan insisted that there had been other women in his life and he replied: "Yes OK, well, not for a very long time."
When Morgan asked to know how many, Mr Clegg attempted to brush off the question by answering: "Not a list as long as yours, I'm sure".
But the interviewer would not be deflected, asking: "How many are we talking: 10, 20, 30?" "No more than 30," replied Mr Clegg.
"It's a lot less than that."
PM: "Ever had any complaints?"
NC: "Oh God yes, of course."
PM: "What would your wife say?"
NC: "I think she'd be very content and happy."
PM: "Would you ever be unfaithful to her?"
NC: "I certainly hope not."
Remembering his first meeting with Miriam, he said: "We were at the same college in Belgium. She was leaning against a wall outside an induction lecture, and that was that...
"I was pretty gobsmacked when I first saw her... Her English was rubbish and my Spanish non-existent. So we got by in French for a bit but then I learnt Spanish."
Mr Clegg is not the first politician to be subjected to a grilling on his personal life by GQ.
Former Conservative leader William Hague famously told the magazine in 2000 that he drank as many as 14 pints of beer a day while delivering drink to pubs in a student holiday job.
The Lib Dem leader was asked about his own alcohol intake, and said he did not drink every day and was last drunk "probably last summer... drinking wine with my family in France".
The alcoholism of his predecessor Charles Kennedy was "very difficult and unpleasant, for him and the party", said Mr Clegg, who said it would be "pretty hard" to run the country as an alcoholic.
A lot less than 30 is how many?
05 April 2008
The Daily Telegraph
Calculators at the ready, and no conferring. It would take a skilled mathematician to work out what exactly Nick Clegg meant by "a lot less than 30''. Obviously 29 could never be called a lot less than 30; I'd say that 25, though less than 30, could not be termed a lot less. To my mind, the highest figure that could nevertheless be called a lot less than 30 is 24. But then one is also a lot less than 30, and so, too, is zero. But I don't suppose zero is an option, as Nick Clegg is married with children.
You know that a week has been uneventful when the news that the leader of the Liberal Democrats has admitted sleeping with "a lot less'' than 30 women is given its own headline. Paddy Ashdown became known to one and all as Paddy Pantsdown after admitting sleeping with less than three women, but more than one; now it seems that Nick Clegg will be known for the rest of his life as Nick Cleggover. At least we never had to come to terms with Sir Fling Campbell.
Every now and then, one famous person or another makes news by totting up his conquests and boasting about the score. In 1977, the Belgian crime writer Georges Simenon announced: "I did the sum a year or two ago and, since the age of 13?, I have had 10,000 women.'' As he was 74 at the time, this gave him an unlikely average of a different woman every day for 60 years.
If he was telling the truth, Simenon makes the Romanian tennis ace Ilie Nastase seem monastic. In his autobiography, Nastase wrote: "I think I've slept with 2,500 women.'' A year or two ago, the high-waisted TV personality Simon Cowell claimed in an interview: "I've had between 70 and 100 women, if I were to hazard a guess.'' Meanwhile, in his bumptious autobiography, The Living Legend, the chirpy DJ Tony Blackburn boasted: "Sex is very important to me. I adore making love. I've made love to about 250 women.'' All in all, Nick Clegg has a lot of catching up to do. You may attempt to argue that leaders of the main political parties and Tony Blackburn have different aims and values, but there you would be wrong. There is in fact an intriguing love-line, detailed in the invaluable 1987 reference book Who's Had Who, that links President Reagan with Tony Blackburn in just eight bed-hops.
For your interest, the chain goes Ronald Reagan - Nancy Reagan - Clark Gable - Ava Gardner - Frank Sinatra - Carol White - Richard O'Sullivan - Tessa Wyatt - Tony Blackburn. (Incidentally, another chain linking high politics to low pop goes like this: Eva Peron - Porfiro Rubirosa - Ava Gardner - Sir Gordon White - Vanessa Llewellyn - Dai Llewellyn - Tessa Dahl - Peter Sellers - Britt Ekland - Les McKeown of The Bay City Rollers.)
Generally speaking, politicians like to underestimate their conquests, while showbiz and arts figures prefer to overestimate them. The only exception is Jimmy Carter who decided to give an interview to Playboy just before the 1976 presidential election so as to jazz up his rather goody-goody Baptist image. "I've looked on a lot of women with lust,'' he confided, just as the interview was winding down. "I've committed adultery in my heart many times. This is something that God recognises I will do - and I have done it - and God forgives me for it.'' The admission (or was it a strange sort of boast?) seemed to pay off, as two weeks later Carter was elected President.
Other presidents have taken the more traditional less-than-two-but-more-than-none route, even when their truer total might have run to double or even triple figures. "Move over, this is your president,'' LBJ said, a mite bullishly, having entered the bedroom of a female aide at his ranch in Texas.
When Kennedy became President in 1961, an aide predicted, "This administration is going to do for sex what the last one did for golf'' - and so it transpired. There are obviously many possible bed-hopping lines to be traced to and from JFK, but one of the most colourful goes: JFK - Marilyn Monroe - Frank Sinatra - Jill St John - Robert Wagner - Natalie Wood - Warren Beatty - Joan Collins - Ryan O'Neal - Farrah Fawcett Majors - Sylvester Stallone.
The only prime ministerial chain that Britain can offer in competition is, it must be admitted, somewhat pitiful, with just two stops. It goes like this: John Major - Edwina Currie. At a stretch, it could, I suppose, be extended to three: John Major - Edwina Currie - Steve Norris, and then from "Shagger'' Norris to heaven-knows-where.
Mrs Currie has in the past suggested that she and Norris got together when they were sixth-form students in Liverpool, though Steve Norris rather ungallantly pooh-poohs the very idea. "For reasons best known to herself, Edwina has since chosen to suggest that our relationship was rather more developed'', he wrote in his 1996 autobiography. "She may, I suppose, have imagined a brief fumble under her school blouse behind St George's Hall to be an orgasmic experience, but I fear I was less impressed.'' Who are we to believe - Norris or Currie? There are some things that are too painful to contemplate. Either way, Edwina Currie and Steve Norris are a far cry from Marilyn Monroe and Jack Kennedy.
Now that Ken Livingstone has entered the fray, announcing that he has five children by three women, the question is raised: should we be any more interested in the sexual appetites of politicians than we are in the political appetites of sex symbols?
I doubt the news that Jordan voted for three different parties in five different elections would merit much of a headline. Yet whenever a politician claims to have had sex, we find ourselves eager to read on. Ten, 20, 30?
Do I hear an advance on 30? And how many children does that make? At the moment, only Ann Widdecombe is not prepared to join in the fun.
For too long, party fund-raising at the constituency level has been restricted to guessing the weight of a chocolate cake, or the number of boiled sweets contained in a glass jar. The Lib Dems could raise a small fortune by getting their members to place their bets on the exact number of their leader's sleepovers. If it really is more than 20 but "a lot less'' than 30, my fiver would be on 22, but who's to tell?
Lib Dem leader admits his pillow talk was all a bit of a distraction
15 April 2008
The Daily Telegraph
NICK Clegg expressed regret yesterday at discussing his prowess as a lover in an interview with a men's magazine.
Mr Clegg, who pledged when he became Liberal Democrat leader to make political life as "open and accessible'' as possible, was asked by Piers Morgan how many women he had slept with. "No more than 30,'' he replied.
After four months of trying to make an impact as leader of the third party Mr Clegg's claims in GQ magazine catapulted him into the limelight.
However, he conceded yesterday that he had attracted attention for all the wrong reasons. "If I have any regrets, it is that it serves as a distraction from the things that I passionately care about, which [are] that I think there are far too many families who are over-stretched [and] hard-pressed, [and] we don't yet have local authorities which are as environmental or as tough on crime and anti-social behaviour as I think we can be,'' he said.
In the interview, Mr Clegg gave a modest appraisal of his bedroom skills when he said: "I don't think I am particularly brilliant or particularly bad''. The remarks irritated Lib Dem MPs and heaped embarrassment on their leader, underline his inexperience. Mr Clegg, 41, who is married with a child, has been an MP since 2005.
In the ensuing furore, he was dubbed "Nick Cleggover'' by the tabloid press.
......我想起Lucian Pye...
(Kong. HKEJ 24 April 2010)
Research Article
The State and the Individual: An Overview Interpretation (CQ-1991-Issue 127, 443-466 Cambridge University Press)
Lucian W. Pye
It could be that no people have ever outdone the Chinese in ascribing moral virtues to the state or in deprecating the worth of the individual. First Confucianism and then the Chinese version of Leninism went all out in extolling the importance of rulers and society and in minimizing the rights of individuals. The gap between the moral worth and the recognized rights of state and citizen in China was and remains huge both because of the way the Chinese have consistently given paramountcy to the state and the ways in which they have subordinated the individual to the group. The extraordinary imbalance in the relations of the state and individuals provides both the structural and the cultural bases for the human rights practices which are now the most contentious issues between China and the west, especially the United States. What is outrageous to Americans can be for most Chinese normal expectations – although since Tiananmen a majority may feel that the state has gone too far.
(Also look at: 69 Foreign Aff. 56 (1989-1991) China: Erratic State, Frustrated Society; Pye, Lucian W.)
(Kong. HKEJ 24 April 2010)
Research Article
The State and the Individual: An Overview Interpretation (CQ-1991-Issue 127, 443-466 Cambridge University Press)
Lucian W. Pye
It could be that no people have ever outdone the Chinese in ascribing moral virtues to the state or in deprecating the worth of the individual. First Confucianism and then the Chinese version of Leninism went all out in extolling the importance of rulers and society and in minimizing the rights of individuals. The gap between the moral worth and the recognized rights of state and citizen in China was and remains huge both because of the way the Chinese have consistently given paramountcy to the state and the ways in which they have subordinated the individual to the group. The extraordinary imbalance in the relations of the state and individuals provides both the structural and the cultural bases for the human rights practices which are now the most contentious issues between China and the west, especially the United States. What is outrageous to Americans can be for most Chinese normal expectations – although since Tiananmen a majority may feel that the state has gone too far.
(Also look at: 69 Foreign Aff. 56 (1989-1991) China: Erratic State, Frustrated Society; Pye, Lucian W.)
The Price of Admission .....攀附﹑冷言冷語﹑獻身 ﹑默默忍受......荊棘滿途、悲劇收場..
By 吳志森
紙上女星,攀附豪門,放出聲氣,要跟富家二世祖「溝通」。半山豪宅,門高狗大,守衛森嚴, 「溝通」云云,只是自說自話,一廂情願。女星非常努力,到處打聽「溝通」門路。今天,找到了聲稱替富豪門衛熟稔的一位朋友,談起來十分投契,開記者會宣布,與富家子「溝通」的計劃,大有進展。明天,約好了替富豪清潔的阿嬸,也能無所不談,對嫁入豪門,女星表現得信心滿滿。
這不是娛樂版的八卦消息,而是政情版的嚴肅新聞。事前毫無徵兆,特區政府突然宣布一個保守得驚人的2012 政改方案,在主張「溝通」的溫和民主派瀕臨反之際,無論民主派內部,還是所謂直通天庭的南來探子,抑或是有名有姓的中南海紅人,都以權威口吻,通過各放風渠道,勸說「不要絕望,繼續溝通」,但傳出來的信息,有些不用細想就知道是不值一哂的歪理,有些卻比佛偈還要深奧難明,想半天都無法理解。例如: 「不要急於反,可能只是想測試溫和民主派是否真正想溝通,是否真的有誠意。」又例如: 「溝通之門剛剛打開,不是關上,切勿誤讀。」再例如一位接近天庭的香港人,以一貫苦口婆心的語調說: 「門未開,亦未關……將來如何發展仍未知道……」
玄之又玄的猜謎遊戲不停上演,港人暈頭轉向。似是而非的所謂消息論據,也使溫和民主派如墮五里霧中,東南西北都無法搞清楚。五一六臨近,泛民自亂陣腳,當然無法搞出什麼名堂。7 月立法會就政改方案投票,也可能臨時拋什麼小恩小惠的所謂讓步,而方寸大亂。泛民雖然在香港爭取民主幾十年,但與阿爺比較,政治鬥爭政治謀略,還留在幼兒園階段。
MP+觀點 明報 湯家驊
By 吳志森
紙上女星,攀附豪門,放出聲氣,要跟富家二世祖「溝通」。半山豪宅,門高狗大,守衛森嚴, 「溝通」云云,只是自說自話,一廂情願。女星非常努力,到處打聽「溝通」門路。今天,找到了聲稱替富豪門衛熟稔的一位朋友,談起來十分投契,開記者會宣布,與富家子「溝通」的計劃,大有進展。明天,約好了替富豪清潔的阿嬸,也能無所不談,對嫁入豪門,女星表現得信心滿滿。
這不是娛樂版的八卦消息,而是政情版的嚴肅新聞。事前毫無徵兆,特區政府突然宣布一個保守得驚人的2012 政改方案,在主張「溝通」的溫和民主派瀕臨反之際,無論民主派內部,還是所謂直通天庭的南來探子,抑或是有名有姓的中南海紅人,都以權威口吻,通過各放風渠道,勸說「不要絕望,繼續溝通」,但傳出來的信息,有些不用細想就知道是不值一哂的歪理,有些卻比佛偈還要深奧難明,想半天都無法理解。例如: 「不要急於反,可能只是想測試溫和民主派是否真正想溝通,是否真的有誠意。」又例如: 「溝通之門剛剛打開,不是關上,切勿誤讀。」再例如一位接近天庭的香港人,以一貫苦口婆心的語調說: 「門未開,亦未關……將來如何發展仍未知道……」
玄之又玄的猜謎遊戲不停上演,港人暈頭轉向。似是而非的所謂消息論據,也使溫和民主派如墮五里霧中,東南西北都無法搞清楚。五一六臨近,泛民自亂陣腳,當然無法搞出什麼名堂。7 月立法會就政改方案投票,也可能臨時拋什麼小恩小惠的所謂讓步,而方寸大亂。泛民雖然在香港爭取民主幾十年,但與阿爺比較,政治鬥爭政治謀略,還留在幼兒園階段。
MP+觀點 明報 湯家驊
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