"I have been privileged to learn much about the very best in human nature and a fair amount too about its frailties, including my own.
As I leave the second most important job I could ever hold, I cherish even more the first - as a husband and father. Thank you and goodbye.
"Above all, it was a privilege to serve. And yes, I loved the job not for its prestige, its titles and its ceremony - which I do not love at all. No, I loved the job for its potential to make this country I love fairer, more tolerant, more green, more democratic, more prosperous and more just - truly a greater Britain.
就是離別過 就是懷念過 便清楚愛怎出錯
便清楚你真的愛我 但往日我很傻
就是常做錯 就是求自我 未珍惜身邊一個
在此生再不想錯過 從年月裡 能全部看清楚由始至終 只有你一位 難以代替 愛得多仔細
靜看著對方無言語 仍然是覺安慰
明天世間 怎去作估計 和你默契 愛一生一世
是你令人生能完美 誰人及你 等於我一切

Asked whether or not he would be willing to sack a close colleague such as Osborne, Cameron stated, "With George, the answer is yes. He stayed in my shadow cabinet not because he is a friend, not because we are godfathers to each other's children but because he is the right person to do the job. I know and he knows that if that was not the case he would not be there."