
Is Nice Clegg a True Liberal?

Nick Clegg has had sex with 'no more' than 30

 UK's JFK?!

The Daily Telegraph 01 Apr 2008

Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has spoken unusually frankly about his romantic past, admitting to sleeping with "no more than 30" women and revealing how he fell in love at first sight with wife Miriam.

In a no-holds-barred interview with magazine GQ, Mr Clegg recalled being "pretty gobsmacked" on first meeting the Spanish senator's daughter when they were both studying in Belgium.
After first wooing her in French, he learnt to speak Spanish for her sake, he said.

Pressed to reveal more, the Lib Dem leader said he had been in love twice before meeting his wife - once in an "unrequited" passion and once with a childhood sweetheart - but "definitely" regarded her as the love of his life.

And he went on to respond to a series of increasingly personal questions from interviewer Piers Morgan, who asked whether he saw himself as "good in bed".

"I don't think I am particularly brilliant or particularly bad," said the Lib Dem leader.

"Since the only judge of that is my wife..."

Mr Morgan insisted that there had been other women in his life and he replied: "Yes OK, well, not for a very long time."

When Morgan asked to know how many, Mr Clegg attempted to brush off the question by answering: "Not a list as long as yours, I'm sure".

But the interviewer would not be deflected, asking: "How many are we talking: 10, 20, 30?" "No more than 30," replied Mr Clegg.

"It's a lot less than that."

PM: "Ever had any complaints?"

NC: "Oh God yes, of course."

PM: "What would your wife say?"

NC: "I think she'd be very content and happy."

PM: "Would you ever be unfaithful to her?"

NC: "I certainly hope not."

Remembering his first meeting with Miriam, he said: "We were at the same college in Belgium. She was leaning against a wall outside an induction lecture, and that was that...

"I was pretty gobsmacked when I first saw her... Her English was rubbish and my Spanish non-existent. So we got by in French for a bit but then I learnt Spanish."

Mr Clegg is not the first politician to be subjected to a grilling on his personal life by GQ.

Former Conservative leader William Hague famously told the magazine in 2000 that he drank as many as 14 pints of beer a day while delivering drink to pubs in a student holiday job.

The Lib Dem leader was asked about his own alcohol intake, and said he did not drink every day and was last drunk "probably last summer... drinking wine with my family in France".

The alcoholism of his predecessor Charles Kennedy was "very difficult and unpleasant, for him and the party", said Mr Clegg, who said it would be "pretty hard" to run the country as an alcoholic.

A lot less than 30 is how many?

05 April 2008

The Daily Telegraph

Calculators at the ready, and no conferring. It would take a skilled mathematician to work out what exactly Nick Clegg meant by "a lot less than 30''. Obviously 29 could never be called a lot less than 30; I'd say that 25, though less than 30, could not be termed a lot less. To my mind, the highest figure that could nevertheless be called a lot less than 30 is 24. But then one is also a lot less than 30, and so, too, is zero. But I don't suppose zero is an option, as Nick Clegg is married with children.

You know that a week has been uneventful when the news that the leader of the Liberal Democrats has admitted sleeping with "a lot less'' than 30 women is given its own headline. Paddy Ashdown became known to one and all as Paddy Pantsdown after admitting sleeping with less than three women, but more than one; now it seems that Nick Clegg will be known for the rest of his life as Nick Cleggover. At least we never had to come to terms with Sir Fling Campbell.

Every now and then, one famous person or another makes news by totting up his conquests and boasting about the score. In 1977, the Belgian crime writer Georges Simenon announced: "I did the sum a year or two ago and, since the age of 13?, I have had 10,000 women.'' As he was 74 at the time, this gave him an unlikely average of a different woman every day for 60 years.

If he was telling the truth, Simenon makes the Romanian tennis ace Ilie Nastase seem monastic. In his autobiography, Nastase wrote: "I think I've slept with 2,500 women.'' A year or two ago, the high-waisted TV personality Simon Cowell claimed in an interview: "I've had between 70 and 100 women, if I were to hazard a guess.'' Meanwhile, in his bumptious autobiography, The Living Legend, the chirpy DJ Tony Blackburn boasted: "Sex is very important to me. I adore making love. I've made love to about 250 women.'' All in all, Nick Clegg has a lot of catching up to do. You may attempt to argue that leaders of the main political parties and Tony Blackburn have different aims and values, but there you would be wrong. There is in fact an intriguing love-line, detailed in the invaluable 1987 reference book Who's Had Who, that links President Reagan with Tony Blackburn in just eight bed-hops.

For your interest, the chain goes Ronald Reagan - Nancy Reagan - Clark Gable - Ava Gardner - Frank Sinatra - Carol White - Richard O'Sullivan - Tessa Wyatt - Tony Blackburn. (Incidentally, another chain linking high politics to low pop goes like this: Eva Peron - Porfiro Rubirosa - Ava Gardner - Sir Gordon White - Vanessa Llewellyn - Dai Llewellyn - Tessa Dahl - Peter Sellers - Britt Ekland - Les McKeown of The Bay City Rollers.)

Generally speaking, politicians like to underestimate their conquests, while showbiz and arts figures prefer to overestimate them. The only exception is Jimmy Carter who decided to give an interview to Playboy just before the 1976 presidential election so as to jazz up his rather goody-goody Baptist image. "I've looked on a lot of women with lust,'' he confided, just as the interview was winding down. "I've committed adultery in my heart many times. This is something that God recognises I will do - and I have done it - and God forgives me for it.'' The admission (or was it a strange sort of boast?) seemed to pay off, as two weeks later Carter was elected President.

Other presidents have taken the more traditional less-than-two-but-more-than-none route, even when their truer total might have run to double or even triple figures. "Move over, this is your president,'' LBJ said, a mite bullishly, having entered the bedroom of a female aide at his ranch in Texas.

When Kennedy became President in 1961, an aide predicted, "This administration is going to do for sex what the last one did for golf'' - and so it transpired. There are obviously many possible bed-hopping lines to be traced to and from JFK, but one of the most colourful goes: JFK - Marilyn Monroe - Frank Sinatra - Jill St John - Robert Wagner - Natalie Wood - Warren Beatty - Joan Collins - Ryan O'Neal - Farrah Fawcett Majors - Sylvester Stallone.

The only prime ministerial chain that Britain can offer in competition is, it must be admitted, somewhat pitiful, with just two stops. It goes like this: John Major - Edwina Currie. At a stretch, it could, I suppose, be extended to three: John Major - Edwina Currie - Steve Norris, and then from "Shagger'' Norris to heaven-knows-where.

Mrs Currie has in the past suggested that she and Norris got together when they were sixth-form students in Liverpool, though Steve Norris rather ungallantly pooh-poohs the very idea. "For reasons best known to herself, Edwina has since chosen to suggest that our relationship was rather more developed'', he wrote in his 1996 autobiography. "She may, I suppose, have imagined a brief fumble under her school blouse behind St George's Hall to be an orgasmic experience, but I fear I was less impressed.'' Who are we to believe - Norris or Currie? There are some things that are too painful to contemplate. Either way, Edwina Currie and Steve Norris are a far cry from Marilyn Monroe and Jack Kennedy.

Now that Ken Livingstone has entered the fray, announcing that he has five children by three women, the question is raised: should we be any more interested in the sexual appetites of politicians than we are in the political appetites of sex symbols?
I doubt the news that Jordan voted for three different parties in five different elections would merit much of a headline. Yet whenever a politician claims to have had sex, we find ourselves eager to read on. Ten, 20, 30?

Do I hear an advance on 30? And how many children does that make? At the moment, only Ann Widdecombe is not prepared to join in the fun.

For too long, party fund-raising at the constituency level has been restricted to guessing the weight of a chocolate cake, or the number of boiled sweets contained in a glass jar. The Lib Dems could raise a small fortune by getting their members to place their bets on the exact number of their leader's sleepovers. If it really is more than 20 but "a lot less'' than 30, my fiver would be on 22, but who's to tell?

Lib Dem leader admits his pillow talk was all a bit of a distraction

15 April 2008
The Daily Telegraph

NICK Clegg expressed regret yesterday at discussing his prowess as a lover in an interview with a men's magazine.

Mr Clegg, who pledged when he became Liberal Democrat leader to make political life as "open and accessible'' as possible, was asked by Piers Morgan how many women he had slept with. "No more than 30,'' he replied.

After four months of trying to make an impact as leader of the third party Mr Clegg's claims in GQ magazine catapulted him into the limelight.

However, he conceded yesterday that he had attracted attention for all the wrong reasons. "If I have any regrets, it is that it serves as a distraction from the things that I passionately care about, which [are] that I think there are far too many families who are over-stretched [and] hard-pressed, [and] we don't yet have local authorities which are as environmental or as tough on crime and anti-social behaviour as I think we can be,'' he said.

In the interview, Mr Clegg gave a modest appraisal of his bedroom skills when he said: "I don't think I am particularly brilliant or particularly bad''. The remarks irritated Lib Dem MPs and heaped embarrassment on their leader, underline his inexperience. Mr Clegg, 41, who is married with a child, has been an MP since 2005.

In the ensuing furore, he was dubbed "Nick Cleggover'' by the tabloid press.




......我想起Lucian Pye...


(Kong. HKEJ 24 April 2010)

Research Article

The State and the Individual: An Overview Interpretation (CQ-1991-Issue 127, 443-466 Cambridge University Press)

Lucian W. Pye

It could be that no people have ever outdone the Chinese in ascribing moral virtues to the state or in deprecating the worth of the individual. First Confucianism and then the Chinese version of Leninism went all out in extolling the importance of rulers and society and in minimizing the rights of individuals. The gap between the moral worth and the recognized rights of state and citizen in China was and remains huge both because of the way the Chinese have consistently given paramountcy to the state and the ways in which they have subordinated the individual to the group. The extraordinary imbalance in the relations of the state and individuals provides both the structural and the cultural bases for the human rights practices which are now the most contentious issues between China and the west, especially the United States. What is outrageous to Americans can be for most Chinese normal expectations – although since Tiananmen a majority may feel that the state has gone too far.

(Also look at: 69 Foreign Aff. 56 (1989-1991) China: Erratic State, Frustrated Society; Pye, Lucian W.)


The Price of Admission .....攀附﹑冷言冷語﹑獻身 ﹑默默忍受......荊棘滿途、悲劇收場..


By 吳志森


紙上女星,攀附豪門,放出聲氣,要跟富家二世祖「溝通」。半山豪宅,門高狗大,守衛森嚴, 「溝通」云云,只是自說自話,一廂情願。女星非常努力,到處打聽「溝通」門路。今天,找到了聲稱替富豪門衛熟稔的一位朋友,談起來十分投契,開記者會宣布,與富家子「溝通」的計劃,大有進展。明天,約好了替富豪清潔的阿嬸,也能無所不談,對嫁入豪門,女星表現得信心滿滿。


這不是娛樂版的八卦消息,而是政情版的嚴肅新聞。事前毫無徵兆,特區政府突然宣布一個保守得驚人的2012 政改方案,在主張「溝通」的溫和民主派瀕臨反之際,無論民主派內部,還是所謂直通天庭的南來探子,抑或是有名有姓的中南海紅人,都以權威口吻,通過各放風渠道,勸說「不要絕望,繼續溝通」,但傳出來的信息,有些不用細想就知道是不值一哂的歪理,有些卻比佛偈還要深奧難明,想半天都無法理解。例如: 「不要急於反,可能只是想測試溫和民主派是否真正想溝通,是否真的有誠意。」又例如: 「溝通之門剛剛打開,不是關上,切勿誤讀。」再例如一位接近天庭的香港人,以一貫苦口婆心的語調說: 「門未開,亦未關……將來如何發展仍未知道……」


玄之又玄的猜謎遊戲不停上演,港人暈頭轉向。似是而非的所謂消息論據,也使溫和民主派如墮五里霧中,東南西北都無法搞清楚。五一六臨近,泛民自亂陣腳,當然無法搞出什麼名堂。7 月立法會就政改方案投票,也可能臨時拋什麼小恩小惠的所謂讓步,而方寸大亂。泛民雖然在香港爭取民主幾十年,但與阿爺比較,政治鬥爭政治謀略,還留在幼兒園階段。


MP+觀點 明報 湯家驊









呼喚耀邦亡魂 嘆奇冤問蒼天 (Source: 丁望. HKEJ. 21 April 2010)

呼喚耀邦亡魂 嘆奇冤問蒼天






小平翻臉 耀邦蒙冤下台





羅織罪名 免職程序不公








免於恐懼 政治文明標誌



























Any comment?  Here is my comment:
我每日捱著 不睬不理
但卻捱不死 又去痴纏你
都要這麼 不可爭一口氣

跌到極麻木 只好相信
又再爬得起 就會有轉機
若我不懂憎你 如何離別你

由這一分鐘開始計起 春風秋雨間
恨(限)我對你以半年時間 慢慢的心淡
付清 賬單

一天一點傷心過 這一百數十晚
大概也夠我 送我來回地獄又折返人間
春天分手 秋天會習慣

只怕被迫一起 更礙眼
只愛自己 雖說不太習慣
畢竟有限 就當 過關


The UK's first prime ministerial TV debate

NICK CLEGG: I actually agree, strongly agree, and it's something I've been calling for for years, that we should have a complete review about whether our military equipment is right for the job that we are asking our brave soldiers and brave servicemen and women to do. Because of course the world is changing and the threats to this country are changing with it. What I simply don't understand is if we hold that review, as I think is going to be likely after the general election, whoever wins that election, both David Cameron and Gordon Brown want to rule out one of the biggest items of defence expenditure of all, which is the Trident nuclear missile system. This was a system that was designed at the height of the Cold War to flatten St Petersburg and Moscow. Is it really that important?

ALASTAIR STEWART: Let me bring David Cameron in on that point.

DAVID CAMERON: Let me answer that directly because I think it's important. I think the most important duty of any government, anyone who wants to be Prime Minister of this country, is to protect and defend our United Kingdom. And are we really happy to say that we'd give up our independent nuclear deterrent when we don't know what is going to happen with Iran, we can't be certain of the future in China, we don't know exactly what our world will look like? I say we should always have the ultimate protection of our independent nuclear deterrent. That's why we voted to make sure that happened.

("LORD" Cameron: I really dont know what you were thinking. Hit Beijing with your Trident...)